"Euston, Stephen R." . . "CHEESE-; CHEESEMAKING-; ENZYMES-MILK-CLOTTING; PH-; RHEOLOGICAL-PROPERTIES; SALT-; TEMPERATURE-; MICROSTRUCTURE-; MODELLING-; RENNETS-; TEMP-"@en . "RIV/60461373:22330/02:00006828!RIV/2004/MSM/223304/N" . . "Controlling the structure and rheological properties of model cheese systems" . . "AU - Australsk\u00E9 spole\u010Denstv\u00ED" . . "8"^^ . "641741" . . "Changes in rheological and microstructural properties were studied in model cheeses made from ultrafiltered milk and manufactured under 3 different pH/salt conditions (pH 4.6 and 3.5% salt, pH 4.5 and 1.5% salt, and pH 5.2 and 1.8% salt, conditions typical for cheesemaking of Feta, Camembert and Danbo or Gouda cheese, respectively) and various temp. (25, 30 or 35 degree C) and rennet concn. (0.499, 0.239 or 0.0125 IMCU/kg retentate). Results showed that coagulation at higher rennet concn. (Rc) and/or higher temp. (Tc) formed harder cheese. In general, this corresponded to increased aggregate and void sizes in the protein network as Rc and Tc increased. Final cheese pH also influenced both structure and texture. Harder cheese was formed at a lower pH for all Rc and Tc. The pH affected microstructure in a complex way; at pH 5.2 coagulation did not occur at low Rc and Tc, however, at high Rc and Tc, aggregates formed were much denser than at lower pH. At pH 4.5 or 4.6 the general trend was for larger a" . "Controlling the structure and rheological properties of model cheese systems"@en . "Changes in rheological and microstructural properties were studied in model cheeses made from ultrafiltered milk and manufactured under 3 different pH/salt conditions (pH 4.6 and 3.5% salt, pH 4.5 and 1.5% salt, and pH 5.2 and 1.8% salt, conditions typical for cheesemaking of Feta, Camembert and Danbo or Gouda cheese, respectively) and various temp. (25, 30 or 35 degree C) and rennet concn. (0.499, 0.239 or 0.0125 IMCU/kg retentate). Results showed that coagulation at higher rennet concn. (Rc) and/or higher temp. (Tc) formed harder cheese. In general, this corresponded to increased aggregate and void sizes in the protein network as Rc and Tc increased. Final cheese pH also influenced both structure and texture. Harder cheese was formed at a lower pH for all Rc and Tc. The pH affected microstructure in a complex way; at pH 5.2 coagulation did not occur at low Rc and Tc, however, at high Rc and Tc, aggregates formed were much denser than at lower pH. At pH 4.5 or 4.6 the general trend was for larger a"@en . . "RIV/60461373:22330/02:00006828" . . . . . "Controlling the structure and rheological properties of model cheese systems"@en . "Piska, Ivo" . "Z(MSM 223300004)" . "Wium, Helle" . . "57" . "2" . . . "Qvist, Karsten Bruun" . "145-152" . . . . "0"^^ . "4"^^ . "Controlling the structure and rheological properties of model cheese systems" . . "0"^^ . . . "[8DC4FE423E98]" . "Australian Journal of Dairy Technology" . . "0004-9433" . . "1"^^ . "22330" . . .