. "42110-koc-0031" . . "Vyu\u017Eit\u00ED map p\u0159inese finan\u010Dn\u00ED \u00FAsporu p\u0159i budouc\u00EDch v\u00FDzkumech roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED a ochran\u011B druhu" . "P(LH11057)" . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)"@en . . . "RIV/60460709:41330/12:59581!RIV13-MSM-41330___" . . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)" . . "RIV/60460709:41330/12:59581" . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)" . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis is only known in southwestern North America in Arizona and California. It is rare in California, but is frequent in the Mojave Desert in Joshua Tree, documented by 13 collections. It grows on non-calcareous rock, soil; on basalt, gneiss, and monzogranite in Joshua Tree. The map of known distribution of X. maricopensis in Joshua Tree is presented. We compiled a detailed list of records based on GPS data."@en . . . . . . . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis is only known in southwestern North America in Arizona and California. It is rare in California, but is frequent in the Mojave Desert in Joshua Tree, documented by 13 collections. It grows on non-calcareous rock, soil; on basalt, gneiss, and monzogranite in Joshua Tree. The map of known distribution of X. maricopensis in Joshua Tree is presented. We compiled a detailed list of records based on GPS data." . . . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis, lichens, map of distribution, Mojave Desert, Arizona, California"@en . "2"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . . "181146" . "Xanthoparmelia maricopensis in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)"@en . "Soubor map, mapy zpracov\u00E1ny v software ArcGIS, 10.1; elektronick\u00E1 forma, typ souboru pdf" . "Knudsen, Kerry" . "Kocourkov\u00E1, Jana" . "[99F0FC669FC4]" . "41330" . .