"42110-koc-0016" . "[77F693C49204]" . "RIV/60460709:41330/12:59563!RIV13-MSM-41330___" . . . . . "Collema coccophorum in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)"@en . "127638" . "P(LH11057)" . . . "Soubor map, mapy zpracov\u00E1ny v software ArcGIS, 10.1; elektronick\u00E1 forma, typ souboru pdf" . . "Collema coccophorum in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)" . "Kocourkov\u00E1, Jana" . . "2"^^ . . . . . "Collema coccophorum in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)" . "41330" . . . . "RIV/60460709:41330/12:59563" . . "Collema coccophorum, lichens, map of distribution, soil cruts, Joshua Tree"@en . "Collema coccophorum in the Joshua Tree National Park (California, U.S.A.)"@en . . "1"^^ . "Collema coccophorum is a cosmopolitan lichen which is common in biological soil crusts throughout California. In Joshua Tree National Park it is a frequent species which commonly forms soil crusts where it is the only lichen component. It is a pioneer species and is an indicator of the re-establishment of biological soil crusts in disturbed areas. The map of distribution of C. coccophorum in Joshua Tree National Park is presented. We compiled a detailed list of records based on GPS data."@en . "Knudsen, Kerry" . . "Vyu\u017Eit\u00ED map p\u0159inese finan\u010Dn\u00ED \u00FAsporu p\u0159i budouc\u00EDch v\u00FDzkumech roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED a ochran\u011B druhu" . "Collema coccophorum is a cosmopolitan lichen which is common in biological soil crusts throughout California. In Joshua Tree National Park it is a frequent species which commonly forms soil crusts where it is the only lichen component. It is a pioneer species and is an indicator of the re-establishment of biological soil crusts in disturbed areas. The map of distribution of C. coccophorum in Joshua Tree National Park is presented. We compiled a detailed list of records based on GPS data." .