"S" . . . "Technologie lepen\u00ED - mechanick\u00E1 \u00FAprava povrchu AlCu4Mg trysk\u00E1n\u00EDm" . . "5"^^ . "M\u00FCller, Miroslav" . . "0" . . . "RIV/60460709:41310/11:51623" . "Adhesive bonding technology \u2013 Duralumin surface mechanical treatment by grit-blasting"@en . "16" . "Adhesive bonding technology, AlCu4Mg alloy, grit-blasting, mechanical treatment"@en . . . . . "1211-4162" . "Technologie lepen\u00ED - mechanick\u00E1 \u00FAprava povrchu AlCu4Mg trysk\u00E1n\u00EDm"@cs . . "4" . "RIV/60460709:41310/11:51623!RIV12-MSM-41310___" . "Kol\u00E1\u0159, Vojt\u011Bch" . . . "Stroj\u00EDrensk\u00E1 technologie" . "Technologie lepen\u00ED - mechanick\u00E1 \u00FAprava povrchu AlCu4Mg trysk\u00E1n\u00EDm"@cs . . . . "Val\u00E1\u0161ek, Petr" . "234410" . "V\u00FDznamn\u00FDm atributem tvorby lepen\u00E9ho spoje je mechanick\u00E1 \u00FAprava lepen\u00E9ho povrchu. V technick\u00E9 praxi je dominantn\u00ED \u00FApravou lepen\u00FDch povrch\u016F otrysk\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00ED erozivem o specifick\u00FDch vlastnostech. V\u00FDzkumy ukazuj\u00ED d\u016Fle\u017Eitost hodnocen\u00ED interakce d\u00EDl\u010D\u00EDch parametr\u016F erozivn\u00EDho opot\u0159eben\u00ED na v\u00FDsledn\u00FD funk\u010Dn\u00ED povrch ur\u010Den\u00FD k aplikaci lepidla. \u010Cl\u00E1nek pojedn\u00E1v\u00E1 o vlivu parametr\u016F drsnosti dosa\u017Een\u00FDch p\u0159i mechanick\u00E9 \u00FAprav\u011B lepen\u00E9ho povrchu AlCu4Mg trysk\u00E1n\u00EDm na pevnost lepen\u00E9ho spoje. Sekund\u00E1rn\u011B byl sledov\u00E1n stav tryskan\u00E9ho materi\u00E1lu v z\u00E1vislosti na tryskan\u00E9 plo\u0161e a \u010Dasu."@cs . "41310" . "Technologie lepen\u00ED - mechanick\u00E1 \u00FAprava povrchu AlCu4Mg trysk\u00E1n\u00EDm" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "A significant attribute of an adhesive bond creation is a mechanical treatment of an adhesive bonded surface. A grit-blasting by an erosive of specific qualities is a dominant adhesive bonded surface treatment in the technical practice. Researches show an importance of the evaluation of the erosive wear single parameters interaction to the resulted functional surface determinated for an adhesive application. The paper deals with the influence of the roughness parameters reached at the mechanical treatment of the duralumin adhesive bonded surface by the grit-blasting on the abrasive bond strength. Secondarily, the state of the grit-blasted material in the dependence of a grit-blasted area and the time was observed."@en . "3"^^ . "V\u00FDznamn\u00FDm atributem tvorby lepen\u00E9ho spoje je mechanick\u00E1 \u00FAprava lepen\u00E9ho povrchu. V technick\u00E9 praxi je dominantn\u00ED \u00FApravou lepen\u00FDch povrch\u016F otrysk\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00ED erozivem o specifick\u00FDch vlastnostech. V\u00FDzkumy ukazuj\u00ED d\u016Fle\u017Eitost hodnocen\u00ED interakce d\u00EDl\u010D\u00EDch parametr\u016F erozivn\u00EDho opot\u0159eben\u00ED na v\u00FDsledn\u00FD funk\u010Dn\u00ED povrch ur\u010Den\u00FD k aplikaci lepidla. \u010Cl\u00E1nek pojedn\u00E1v\u00E1 o vlivu parametr\u016F drsnosti dosa\u017Een\u00FDch p\u0159i mechanick\u00E9 \u00FAprav\u011B lepen\u00E9ho povrchu AlCu4Mg trysk\u00E1n\u00EDm na pevnost lepen\u00E9ho spoje. Sekund\u00E1rn\u011B byl sledov\u00E1n stav tryskan\u00E9ho materi\u00E1lu v z\u00E1vislosti na tryskan\u00E9 plo\u0161e a \u010Dasu." . "Adhesive bonding technology \u2013 Duralumin surface mechanical treatment by grit-blasting"@en . "[F8A62EA97C16]" . . "2"^^ .