"4"^^ . "309945" . . . "RIV/60460709:41210/09:30311!RIV10-MSM-41210___" . . "6"^^ . "4"^^ . "[5702FB6D46DE]" . "Determination of the content of rutin and total polyphenols in leaves of spinach and amaranth" . "Determination of the content of rutin and total polyphenols in leaves of spinach and amaranth"@en . "In the years 2002 to 2004 the content of rutin and total polyphenols was determined in the leaves of spinach and amaranth using the HPLC method. The experiment included three amaranth species \u2013 love-lies-bleeding (A. caudatus), red-blooded amaranth (A. cruentus) and red-spiked amaranth (A. hypochondriacus) and two spinach varieties \u2013 Matador and Triptiek F1. It is evident from the results that average rutin content was lowest at the beginning of vegetation 159.11 mg.g-1 and the highest in the phase of elongation of stem \u2013 294.10 mg.g-1 (F = 2233.89, p=0.00). The highest average rutin content was recorded in A. hypochondriacus (234.54 mg.g-1) and on the contrary, the lowest one in A. cruentus \u2013 154.92 mg.g-1 (F=608.84, p=0.00). The difference in the content of total polyphenols in spinach leaves was statistically significantly influenced of development (F=165.84, p=0.00) when their lowest average content was at the beginning of spinach vegetation, i.e. 10.95 mg.g-1 and the highest in the 3rd samplin"@en . "1211-3174" . . "41210" . . . "RIV/60460709:41210/09:30311" . "Z(MSM6046070901)" . "Hnili\u010Dkov\u00E1, Helena" . "1" . . "Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica" . "40" . "Martinkov\u00E1, Jaroslava" . "In the years 2002 to 2004 the content of rutin and total polyphenols was determined in the leaves of spinach and amaranth using the HPLC method. The experiment included three amaranth species \u2013 love-lies-bleeding (A. caudatus), red-blooded amaranth (A. cruentus) and red-spiked amaranth (A. hypochondriacus) and two spinach varieties \u2013 Matador and Triptiek F1. It is evident from the results that average rutin content was lowest at the beginning of vegetation 159.11 mg.g-1 and the highest in the phase of elongation of stem \u2013 294.10 mg.g-1 (F = 2233.89, p=0.00). The highest average rutin content was recorded in A. hypochondriacus (234.54 mg.g-1) and on the contrary, the lowest one in A. cruentus \u2013 154.92 mg.g-1 (F=608.84, p=0.00). The difference in the content of total polyphenols in spinach leaves was statistically significantly influenced of development (F=165.84, p=0.00) when their lowest average content was at the beginning of spinach vegetation, i.e. 10.95 mg.g-1 and the highest in the 3rd samplin" . . . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Determination of the content of rutin and total polyphenols in leaves of spinach and amaranth"@en . . "Ors\u00E1k, Maty\u00E1\u0161" . . . . . . . "Determination of the content of rutin and total polyphenols in leaves of spinach and amaranth" . . "amaranth, Amaranthus sp., spinach, Spinacia sp., rutin total polyphenols, vegetables."@en . . . "Hnili\u010Dka, Franti\u0161ek" . .