"Nezadana edice, ktera je pro kontrolu moc dlouha" . "RIV/60460709:41210/09:21918!RIV11-MSM-41210___" . "Kub\u00EDk, \u0160t\u011Bp\u00E1n" . "Chloropidae, Diptera, distribution, Check list"@en . "Adults are small flies, with body lengths from 1.5-5.0 mm, rarely larger, with reduced bristling. Body colour very variable, with most Central European species black, and often with a metallic sheen (subfamily Oscinellinae), and others yellow with black or brown longitudinal stripes on the mesonotum (subfamily Chloropinae). Frons broad in both sexes, usually with a large, strongly sclerotized, plate-like, sharply margined ocellar triangle; frons in profile usually only slightly projecting, face receding or slightly concave, and vibrissal angle obtusely rounded. Scutum usually longer than broad, convex, finely haired with hair often set in definite rows and sometimes with coarse, distinct, piliferous punctures. Scutellum short and rounded to elongate-conical, sometimes with marginal tubercles bearing bristles. The adults occur in various marshy habitats, in deciduous woods, in damp meadows and in fields. The larvae of chloropids have varied feeding habits. Many are phytophagous, with some damaging ce"@en . . "Adults are small flies, with body lengths from 1.5-5.0 mm, rarely larger, with reduced bristling. Body colour very variable, with most Central European species black, and often with a metallic sheen (subfamily Oscinellinae), and others yellow with black or brown longitudinal stripes on the mesonotum (subfamily Chloropinae). Frons broad in both sexes, usually with a large, strongly sclerotized, plate-like, sharply margined ocellar triangle; frons in profile usually only slightly projecting, face receding or slightly concave, and vibrissal angle obtusely rounded. Scutum usually longer than broad, convex, finely haired with hair often set in definite rows and sometimes with coarse, distinct, piliferous punctures. Scutellum short and rounded to elongate-conical, sometimes with marginal tubercles bearing bristles. The adults occur in various marshy habitats, in deciduous woods, in damp meadows and in fields. The larvae of chloropids have varied feeding habits. Many are phytophagous, with some damaging ce" . . "[645C8EB5B2A6]" . "978-80-969629-4-5" . . . "RIV/60460709:41210/09:21918" . . . "1"^^ . . "Check list of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia" . "Chloropidae Rondani, 1856"@en . "Univerzita Komensk\u00E9ho v Bratislave; FAUNIMA" . "11"^^ . "41210" . "306981" . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "Chloropidae Rondani, 1856"@en . "Chloropidae Rondani, 1856" . . "Z(MSM6046070901)" . "220"^^ . "Chloropidae Rondani, 1856" . "Comenius University Bratislava" . .