. "Biohazard proteinov\u00FDch biotoxin\u016F"@cs . "Jun, Daniel" . "Biohazard of protein biotoxins" . "Ku\u010Da, Kamil" . "Streda, L." . . . . "Biotoxins are toxic substances produced by a living organism that cause diseases in human beings, animals, or plants. The agent may be lethal or incapacitating. The new, emerging threat agents are biotoxins produced by animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Many types of organisms produce substances that are toxic to humans. Examples of such biotoxins are botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin, and ricin. Several bioactive molecules produced by the pharmaceutical industry can be even more toxic than the classical chemical warfare agents. Such new agents, like the biotoxins and bioregulators, often are called mid-spectrum agents. The threat to human beings from agents developed by modern chemical synthesis and by genetic engineering also must be considered, since such agents may be more toxic or more effective in causing death or incapacitation than classical warfare agents. By developing effective medical protection and treatment against the most likely chemical and mid-spectrum threat agents, the effects of s" . . . . . . "Biotoxiny jsou toxick\u00E9 substance produkovan\u00E9 \u017Eij\u00EDc\u00EDmi organismy, kter\u00E9 zp\u016Fsobuj\u00ED lidsk\u00E9, zv\u00ED\u0159ec\u00ED \u010Di rostlinn\u00E9 nemoce. \u010Cinidlo m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt let\u00E1ln\u00ED nebo zneschop\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00ED. Nov\u00E9 vystupuj\u00EDc\u00ED ohro\u017Euj\u00EDc\u00ED \u010Dinidla jsou biotoxiny produkovan\u00E9 zv\u00ED\u0159aty, rostlinami, houbami a bekteriemi. Mnoho typ\u016F organism\u016F produkuje l\u00E1tky, kter\u00E9 jsou toxick\u00E9 v\u016F\u010Di lidem. P\u0159\u00EDklady biotoxin\u016F jsou botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin a ricin. N\u011Bkter\u00E9 bioaktivn\u00EDmolekuly produkovan\u00E9 farmaceutick\u00FDm pr\u016Fmyslem mohou b\u00FDt dokonce v\u00EDce toxick\u00E9 ne\u017E klasick\u00E9 bojov\u00E9 chemick\u00E9 l\u00E1tky. Takov\u00E1 nov\u00E1 \u010Dinidla jako biotoxiny \u010Di bioregul\u00E1tory jsou \u010Dasto naz\u00FDv\u00E1na jako mid-spectrum \u010Dinidla.Hrozba lidstvu z \u010Dinidel vyvinut\u00FDch modern\u00ED chemickou synt\u00E9zou a genetick\u00FDm in\u017Een\u00FDrstv\u00EDm mus\u00ED b\u00FDt rovn\u011B\u017E zva\u017Eov\u00E1na nebo\u0165 takov\u00E1 \u010Dinidla mohou b\u00FDtn v\u00EDce toxick\u00E1 \u010Di v\u00EDce efektivn\u00ED p\u0159i zp\u016Fsoben\u00ED smrti \u010Di zeschopn\u011Bn\u00ED ne\u017E klasick\u00E9 chemick\u00E9 bojov\u00E9 l\u00E1tky. V\u00FDvojem efektivn\u00ED medic\u00EDnsk\u00E9 protekce a l\u00E9\u010Dby proti \u0161p\u00ED\u0161e chemick\u00FDm a mid-spectrum \u010Dinidl\u016Fm, m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt efekt takov\u00FDch \u010Dinidel ve v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00E9"@cs . . . . . "0011-748X" . . . "Biotoxins are toxic substances produced by a living organism that cause diseases in human beings, animals, or plants. The agent may be lethal or incapacitating. The new, emerging threat agents are biotoxins produced by animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Many types of organisms produce substances that are toxic to humans. Examples of such biotoxins are botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin, and ricin. Several bioactive molecules produced by the pharmaceutical industry can be even more toxic than the classical chemical warfare agents. Such new agents, like the biotoxins and bioregulators, often are called mid-spectrum agents. The threat to human beings from agents developed by modern chemical synthesis and by genetic engineering also must be considered, since such agents may be more toxic or more effective in causing death or incapacitation than classical warfare agents. By developing effective medical protection and treatment against the most likely chemical and mid-spectrum threat agents, the effects of s"@en . . . "IN - Indick\u00E1 republika" . "RIV/60162694:G44__/07:00001932!RIV09-MO0-G44_____" . "000251639600006" . . . "Z(MO0FVZ0000501)" . "[717A9E47B799]" . . "Biotoxin; bioterrorism; toxic protein; ricin; abrin; viscumin; volkenesin; modeccin; conotoxin; botulinum toxin; clostridium perfringens toxins; diphteriae toxin; Staphylococcus toxin; shiga toxin; verotoxin; cholera toxin; tetanus toxin; microcystin; mid-spectrum agents"@en . "RIV/60162694:G44__/07:00001932" . "3"^^ . "Biohazard of protein biotoxins"@en . "G44" . . . . . "13"^^ . "6" . "Hon, Z." . "Defence Science Journal" . "411843" . . "Pato\u010Dka, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . . "Biohazard proteinov\u00FDch biotoxin\u016F"@cs . "Biohazard of protein biotoxins" . . . "5"^^ . . "Biohazard of protein biotoxins"@en . . . . . "57" .