"Collembolan communities were studied in 41 microhabitats in beech and spruce forests of south (\u017Dof\u00EDn and \u0160umava) and central (Jevany) Bohemia. The communities of Collembola were analysed using TWINSPAN and CANOCO programs. The aim of this study was to establish differences between patch (microhabitat) communities and the main forest community in spruce and beech forests, the differences between both types of forests and among different regions of Bohemia. Further questions were: is there a difference in microhabitat communities during secondary forest succession? do some species live exclusively in one or few microhabitats? and does microhabitat diversity influence the biodiversity in forest soils? Material comprising 25 590 specimens of Collembola belonging to 142 species was analysed. Highly significant differences were determined between microhabitat communities in beech and spruce forests, as well as among forests in different regions of Bohemia. Significant differences were also found among micro" . . "FR - Francouzsk\u00E1 republika" . "RIV/60077379:_____/01:61013116!RIV/2002/GA0/A61002/N" . . . "[D27FAB2C4B0D]" . . . "Microhabitats of Collembola (Insecta: Entognatha) in beech and spruce forests and their influence on biodiversity." . . . "1164-5563" . "N/A" . "37" . . "Collembola communities; biodiversity"@en . "European Journal of Soil Biology" . . "RIV/60077379:_____/01:61013116" . . . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Rusek, Josef" . "0"^^ . . "Microhabitats of Collembola (Insecta: Entognatha) in beech and spruce forests and their influence on biodiversity."@en . "P(GA206/99/1416), P(IAA6066702), Z(AV0Z6066911)" . "8"^^ . . "Microhabitats of Collembola (Insecta: Entognatha) in beech and spruce forests and their influence on biodiversity." . "Collembolan communities were studied in 41 microhabitats in beech and spruce forests of south (\u017Dof\u00EDn and \u0160umava) and central (Jevany) Bohemia. The communities of Collembola were analysed using TWINSPAN and CANOCO programs. The aim of this study was to establish differences between patch (microhabitat) communities and the main forest community in spruce and beech forests, the differences between both types of forests and among different regions of Bohemia. Further questions were: is there a difference in microhabitat communities during secondary forest succession? do some species live exclusively in one or few microhabitats? and does microhabitat diversity influence the biodiversity in forest soils? Material comprising 25 590 specimens of Collembola belonging to 142 species was analysed. Highly significant differences were determined between microhabitat communities in beech and spruce forests, as well as among forests in different regions of Bohemia. Significant differences were also found among micro"@en . . "Microhabitats of Collembola (Insecta: Entognatha) in beech and spruce forests and their influence on biodiversity."@en . . "686889" . "237;244" .