"[F136E30D75E0]" . . "Svobodov\u00E1, Zde\u0148ka" . . . "Pe\u0148\u00E1z, M." . . "000232493400009" . . "520219" . "9"^^ . "Endokrinn\u00ED disrupce u populace parem Barbus barbus z \u0159eky Jihlavy"@cs . "5"^^ . . . "Endocrine disruption and the feminization of male barbel Barbus barbus was examined during a 4-year investigation in the River Jihlava (Danube basin, Czech Republic) that consisted of temporal monitoring of sexual status in 993 tagged barbel and histological verification of sex change in 149 dissected specimens. In 343 recaptured barbel, six specimens had altered (protandric) gamete production, which is a rather exceptional phenomenon (2.8% of the total number of recaptured original tagged males) and does not explain the unbalanced (biased) sexual and size structure of barbel populations that is often observed. Histological gonadal examination revealed intersexuality to be sporadic (2.0%) and more frequent (14.8%) in river stretches of relatively lower and greater organic pollution loads, respectively. The screening of vitellogenin (Vtg) in blood plasma revealed elevated, strongly fluctuating concentrations in males, unrelated to fish size or age, which reached a median of 0.190 #g ml.l-1 in the moder" . "RIV/60076658:12610/05:00006546!RIV09-MZE-12610___" . . . . "Journal of Applied Ichthyology" . "21" . "Endocrine disruption in barbel, Barbus barbus population from the river Jihlava, Czech Republic" . . "1"^^ . "12610" . "Baru\u0161, V." . "Drastichov\u00E1, J." . "plotice obecn\u00E1; pohlavn\u00ED porucha; kapr obecn\u00FD; hodnoty steroid\u016F; odpadn\u00ED vody z tov\u00E1ren; ryba; vitellogenin; indukce; expozice; chemik\u00E1lie"@en . . "Endocrine disruption in barbel, Barbus barbus population from the river Jihlava, Czech Republic" . "Endokrinn\u00ED disrupce u populace parem Barbus barbus z \u0159eky Jihlavy"@cs . . . "Endokrinn\u00ED disrupce a feminizace samc\u016F parmy obecn\u00E9 Barbus barbus byla zji\u0161\u0165ov\u00E1na v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu 4let\u00E9ho \u0161et\u0159en\u00ED na \u0159ece Jihlav\u011B (povod\u00ED Dunaje, \u010Ceska republika). V pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu \u0161et\u0159en\u00ED bylo sledov\u00E1no pohlav\u00ED u 993 kus\u016F zna\u010Den\u00FDch parem a histologicky bylo ov\u011B\u0159eno u 149 kus\u016F. Z 343 kus\u016F op\u011Btovn\u011B odchycen\u00FDch parem byla u 6 kus\u016F alternov\u00E1na produkce gamet, (2,8% z celkov\u00E9ho po\u010Dtu znovu odchycen\u00FDch zna\u010Den\u00FDch parem) a nevysv\u011Btliteln\u00E1 sexu\u00E1ln\u00ED nerovnov\u00E1ha a r\u016Fstov\u00E9 zastoupen\u00ED byla porovn\u00E1na v populaci parem. Histologick\u00E9 vy\u0161et\u0159en\u00ED gon\u00E1d uk\u00E1zalo intersexualitu sporadicky (2,0 %) nebo v\u00EDce frekventovanou (14,8%) v \u00FAsec\u00EDch \u0159eky m\u00E9n\u011B a v\u00EDce zat\u00ED\u017Een\u00FDch organick\u00FDmi polutanty. V\u00FDsledky stanoven\u00ED vitellogeninu (Vtg) v krevn\u00ED plazm\u011B ryb byly zv\u00FD\u0161en\u00E9, u samc\u016F v\u00FDrazn\u011B tyto hodnoty kol\u00EDsaly, nebyly z\u00E1visl\u00E9 na velikosti nebo v\u011Bku. U samc\u016F byl median 0,190 #g ml.l-1 ze st\u0159edn\u011B zat\u00ED\u017Een\u00E9ho \u00FAseku, zat\u00EDmco signifikantn\u011B vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED hodnoty 0,732 #g ml.l-1 byly stanoveny v siln\u011B zat\u00ED\u017Een\u00E9m \u00FAseku \u0159eky. Tyto hodnoty obsahu vitellogeninu byly ko"@cs . "DE - Spolkov\u00E1 republika N\u011Bmecko" . . . . "Endocrine disruption in barbel, Barbus barbus population from the river Jihlava, Czech Republic"@en . . "Proke\u0161, M." . . . "P(QF3028), Z(MSM6215712402)" . . . "Endocrine disruption in barbel, Barbus barbus population from the river Jihlava, Czech Republic"@en . "5" . "0175-8659" . "RIV/60076658:12610/05:00006546" . . "Endocrine disruption and the feminization of male barbel Barbus barbus was examined during a 4-year investigation in the River Jihlava (Danube basin, Czech Republic) that consisted of temporal monitoring of sexual status in 993 tagged barbel and histological verification of sex change in 149 dissected specimens. In 343 recaptured barbel, six specimens had altered (protandric) gamete production, which is a rather exceptional phenomenon (2.8% of the total number of recaptured original tagged males) and does not explain the unbalanced (biased) sexual and size structure of barbel populations that is often observed. Histological gonadal examination revealed intersexuality to be sporadic (2.0%) and more frequent (14.8%) in river stretches of relatively lower and greater organic pollution loads, respectively. The screening of vitellogenin (Vtg) in blood plasma revealed elevated, strongly fluctuating concentrations in males, unrelated to fish size or age, which reached a median of 0.190 #g ml.l-1 in the moder"@en . .