. . . . "krajinn\u00FD prostor; zem\u011Bd\u011Blsk\u00E9 a lesn\u00ED soustavy; vodn\u00ED bilance; vyrovn\u00E1n\u00ED; zalesn\u011Bn\u00ED"@en . "2005-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "\u0160indel\u00E1\u0159ov\u00E1, Marie" . . "Contribution to the possibility of improving of disturbed water balance on a catchment by forest stands on the principle of new water balance equation"@en . . "1"^^ . "EKOTREND 2005 : renewal and function of anthropogenic impacted landscape : IV. international scientific meeting" . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 Bud\u011Bjovice" . "2"^^ . "12220" . "Jiho\u010Desk\u00E1 univerzita v \u010Cesk\u00FDch Bud\u011Bjovic\u00EDch. Zem\u011Bd\u011Blsk\u00E1 fakulta" . "516339" . "1"^^ . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 Bud\u011Bjovice" . "37" . . "80-7040-783-2" . "P\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek k mo\u017Enosti vyrovn\u00E1n\u00ED poru\u0161en\u00E9 vodn\u00ED bilance na povod\u00ED lesn\u00EDmi porosty na principu nov\u00E9 rovnice vodn\u00ED bilance"@cs . "Contribution to the possibility of improving of disturbed water balance on a catchment by forest stands on the principle of new water balance equation" . . "Kudrna, Karel" . . "Na z\u00E1klad\u011B prac\u00ED Vodogreck\u00E9ho a Gridasovy (1974) jako\u017E i nov\u00E9 rovnice vodn\u00ED bilance, je\u017E uva\u017Euje jako \u0159\u00EDdic\u00ED veli\u010Dinu transpiraci (Kudrna, \u0160indel\u00E1\u0159ov\u00E1, 2004), se prok\u00E1zalo, \u017Ee mimo\u0159\u00E1dnou funkci pro obnoven\u00ED rovnov\u00E1hy vodn\u00ED bilance maj\u00ED lesy, kter\u00E9 zvy\u0161uj\u00ED transpiraci, intercepc\u00ED korun strom\u016F rozptyluj\u00ED a p\u0159\u00EDzniv\u011B rozd\u011Bluj\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDvod sr\u00E1\u017Eek, vytv\u00E1\u0159ej\u00ED silnou hum\u00F3zn\u00ED vrstvu, je\u017E je umo\u017E\u0148uje p\u0159ijmout, a vytvo\u0159en\u00EDm tranzitn\u00ED vrstvy pod jejich porosty odv\u00E1d\u011Bj\u00ED vodu do hlubinn\u00FDch podpovrchov\u00FDch vod a syt\u00ED vodn\u00ED toky. V d\u016Fsledku toho omezuj\u00ED evaporaci a vyrovn\u00E1vaj\u00ED pom\u011Br podpovrchov\u00FDch a odtokov\u00FDch vod. Jsou proto za ur\u010Dit\u00E9 delimitace zem\u011Bd\u011Blsk\u00E9ho a lesn\u00EDho fondu s to vyrovnat vodn\u00ED bilanci na povod\u00ED, omezit odtok a zv\u00FD\u0161it objem podpovrchov\u00FDch vod. Jsou uvedeny v\u00FDsledky vyrovn\u00E1n\u00ED jednak glob\u00E1ln\u00ED bilance, jednak na povod\u00ED Lu\u017Enice, Blanice, Voly\u0148ky, jako\u017E i v\u00FDsledky n\u011Bkter\u00FDch autor\u016F (Kantor, Kl\u00EDma, 1997), na nich\u017E byla dokumentov\u00E1na zm\u011Bna ve vodn\u00ED bilanci jehli\u010Dnat\u00FDch a listnat\u00FDch porost\u016F."@cs . "On the basis of Vodogreckij and Gridasova works (1974) as well as on a new equation of water balance, considering transpiration as a controlling quantity (Kudrna, \u0160indel\u00E1\u0159ov\u00E1, 2004), has been proved, that an extraordinary function for renewing of water balance equilibrium have forest stands. They increase transpiration, disperse input of precipitation by interception of tree crowns, and create a thick humous layer, which enables to accept it, and by forming a transitive layer under their stands, they drain water into profound underground water and saturate water streams. So they can, under certain delimitation of agricultural and forest fund, renew water balance equilibrium on a catchment, limit runoff and increase the volume of underground water. Results of improving global balance on the Lu\u017Enice, Blanice and Voly\u0148ka river basins are presented, as well as results of some authors (Kantor, Kl\u00EDma, 1997), on which the change of water balance by influence of coniferous and deciduous stands was documented."@en . "P\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek k mo\u017Enosti vyrovn\u00E1n\u00ED poru\u0161en\u00E9 vodn\u00ED bilance na povod\u00ED lesn\u00EDmi porosty na principu nov\u00E9 rovnice vodn\u00ED bilance"@cs . "Contribution to the possibility of improving of disturbed water balance on a catchment by forest stands on the principle of new water balance equation" . "Contribution to the possibility of improving of disturbed water balance on a catchment by forest stands on the principle of new water balance equation"@en . "Z(MSM6007665806)" . . "[0FDA2C5AFD1E]" . . . . . . . "On the basis of Vodogreckij and Gridasova works (1974) as well as on a new equation of water balance, considering transpiration as a controlling quantity (Kudrna, \u0160indel\u00E1\u0159ov\u00E1, 2004), has been proved, that an extraordinary function for renewing of water balance equilibrium have forest stands. They increase transpiration, disperse input of precipitation by interception of tree crowns, and create a thick humous layer, which enables to accept it, and by forming a transitive layer under their stands, they drain water into profound underground water and saturate water streams. So they can, under certain delimitation of agricultural and forest fund, renew water balance equilibrium on a catchment, limit runoff and increase the volume of underground water. Results of improving global balance on the Lu\u017Enice, Blanice and Voly\u0148ka river basins are presented, as well as results of some authors (Kantor, Kl\u00EDma, 1997), on which the change of water balance by influence of coniferous and deciduous stands was documented." . "RIV/60076658:12220/05:00006161" . "RIV/60076658:12220/05:00006161!RIV06-MSM-12220___" . .