"26"^^ . . . "[DF3E7AF87DDF]" . . "Z(MSM 122200003)" . "landscape efficiency; management; matter losses; satelite imagenes; solar energy dissipation"@en . "12220" . "2001-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "Pecharov\u00E1, Emilie" . . "Pokorn\u00FD, J." . "RIV/60076658:12220/01:00002944!RIV/2002/MSM/122202/N" . "RIV/60076658:12220/01:00002944" . "Impact of management on vegetation and energy, water and solube matter flows in small catchents of the \u0160umava Mountains"@en . . "Hakrov\u00E1, Pavl\u00EDna" . "6"^^ . . . "Spr\u00E1va n\u00E1rodn\u00EDho parku \u0160umava" . "163-187" . "Pechar, Libor" . "Silva Gabreta : sborn\u00EDk v\u011Bdeck\u00FDch prac\u00ED" . . . "Vliv hospoda\u0159en\u00ED na vegetaci a toky energie, vody a l\u00E1tek v mal\u00FDch povod\u00EDch na \u0160umav\u011B"@cs . . . "8"^^ . "0"^^ . "The concept of landscape efficiency based on matter losses and on solar energy dissipation was tested in three small catchments in the Bohemia Forest (Czech Republic) of very low population density (approx. 2.5 inhabitans per km 2). the three catchments were managed similary till 1950s., later on the Ml\u00FDnsk\u00FD catchment (214 ha) was drained and used mostly for pasture, the rate forest/non-forestwas kept 1:10. In the Horsk\u00FD catchment (264 ha) from 45% in 1950s to 95%in 1999. The highest matter losses expresed in terms of base cations were found from the drained Ml\u00FDnsk\u00FD catchment although the of base cations was the lowest. Consequently, the highest concentration of nitrate was several times higher in the water from the Ml\u00FDnsk\u00FD catchment mostly into sensible heat which resulted in the highest temperarure amplitude anong thr catchment studiet... The highest amount of water is retained in both Horsk\u00FD and Bukov\u00FD catchements whereas the the highest water discharge shows the drained Ml\u00FDnsk\u00FD catchment. Althou"@en . "0"^^ . "Impact of management on vegetation and energy, water and solube matter flows in small catchents of the \u0160umava Mountains"@en . "Vliv hospoda\u0159en\u00ED na vegetaci a toky energie, vody a l\u00E1tek v mal\u00FDch povod\u00EDch na \u0160umav\u011B" . . . "Proch\u00E1zka, Jan" . "Vliv hospoda\u0159en\u00ED na vegetaci a toky energie, vody a l\u00E1tek v mal\u00FDch povod\u00EDch na \u0160umav\u011B"@cs . . . . "Hezina, Tom\u00E1\u0161" . "700521" . . . "1211-7420" . "Wotavov\u00E1, Kate\u0159ina" . "Vliv hospoda\u0159en\u00ED na vegetaci a toky energie, vody a l\u00E1tek v mal\u00FDch povod\u00EDch na \u0160umav\u011B" . . "Na p\u0159\u00EDkladu t\u0159ech povod\u00EDch s rozd\u00EDln\u00FDm krajinn\u00FDm pokryvem a zp\u016Fsobem hospoda\u0159en\u00ED v oblasti n\u00EDzkou hustotou os\u00EDdlen\u00ED byl testov\u00E1n holistick\u00FD koncept \u00FA\u010Dinnosti krajiny (ETR model, RIPL 1995). V z\u00E1vislosti na antropogenn\u00EDm ovlivn\u011Bn\u00ED krajiny a na stavu vegetace byly hodnoceny n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00ED parametry: disipace slune\u010Dn\u00ED energie, z\u00E1soba organick\u00FDch l\u00E1tek v p\u016Fd\u011B;, obsah snadno extrahovateln\u00FDch miner\u00E1ln\u00EDch iont\u016F v p\u016Fd\u011B, mno\u017Estv\u00ED a kvalita odt\u00E9kaj\u00EDc\u00ED vody z jednotliv\u00FDch povod\u00ED. V\u00FDsledky n\u011Bkolikalet\u00E9ho sledov\u00E1n\u00ED parametr\u016F d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDch pro holistick\u00E9 hodnocen\u00ED funkc\u00ED krajiny potvrzuj\u00ED vysok\u00FD stupe\u0148 jejich vz\u00E1jemn\u00FDch vazeb a korelac\u00ED" . . "\u0160\u00EDma, M." . "Vimperk" . . . "Vimperk" .