"RIV/60076658:12110/12:43884065!RIV13-MSM-12110___" . "N" . . . "2" . "12110" . "involment of Nursing; Candidates for elections; Local governments"@en . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "The representation of nurses in local governments in Slovakia"@en . "Z viacer\u00FDch medzin\u00E1rodn\u00FDch dokumentov vypl\u00FDva, aby sa sestry zap\u00E1jali do politiky a vec\u00ED verejn\u00FDch, priamo zasahovali do rie\u0161enia ot\u00E1zok t\u00FDkaj\u00FAcich sa postavenia sestersk\u00E9m profesie v spole\u010Dnosti a mali svoje zast\u00FApenie vo v\u0161etk\u00FDch \u0161trukt\u00FArach. Cie\u013Eom v\u00FDskumu bolo zisti\u0165 ak\u00E9 je zast\u00FApenie sester v samospr\u00E1vnych org\u00E1noch a ich \u0161trukt\u00FArach. Obsahovej anal\u00FDze boli podroben\u00E9 Z\u00E1znamy zaregistrovan\u00FDch kandid\u00E1tov pre vo\u013Eby do samospr\u00E1vnych org\u00E1nov Slovenska v roku 2009 a pre vo\u013Eby do N\u00E1rodnej rady SR v roku 2010. Z anal\u00FDzy v\u00FDsledkov vyplynulo, \u017Ee iba 2 sestry zast\u00E1vali funkci ved\u00FAcej odboru zdravotn\u00EDctva a 2 boli \u010Dlenkami komisie zdravotn\u00EDctva jako odborn\u00EDci. Z 258 respondentov - sester nitrianskeho kraja sa anga\u017Eovalo v miestnej samospr\u00E1ve iba 25. Z v\u00FDpoved\u00ED vyplynulo, \u017Ee sestry chc\u00FA, aby za ne niekto loboval, av\u0161ak oni chc\u00FA by\u0165 predov\u0161etk\u00FDm poskytovate\u013Ekami o\u0161etrovate\u013Eskej starostlivosti." . . "The representation of nurses in local governments in Slovakia"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . "RIV/60076658:12110/12:43884065" . "Zast\u00FApenie sester v samospr\u00E1vnych org\u00E1noch na Slovensku" . "182033" . "Many international documents sugest, that nurses should be taking part in political and public matters, be involvedin deciding on the status of nurses in society, and to have representatives in all public structures. The aim of this project was to find out how nurses are represented in the structures of local governments. List of registered candidates for the local government elections in Slovakia 2009 and general elections to the National Council 2010 werw used for the documents analyse. The outcome of the analyse show us, that only 2 nurses had positions of health deparments and 2 nurses were members of health comities. Out of 258 respondents - Nurses from the Nitra region, only 25 were taking parts in activities of local govermnments. The conclusion of this research is that nurses prefer somebody else to protect them and tak\u00E9 care of thein matters, and that they rather do thein job as providers of health care."@en . "Zast\u00FApenie sester v samospr\u00E1vnych org\u00E1noch na Slovensku" . "[68566002F41D]" . . . . . "3"^^ . . "X" . . "Rebov\u00E1, Marta" . . "Boledovi\u010Dov\u00E1, M\u00E1ria" . "1336-183X" . "O\u0161etrovate\u013Estvo a p\u00F4rodn\u00E1 asistencia" . . "2"^^ .