"2"^^ . . "The models of phase transformations definition in the software Deform and their effect on the output values from the numerical simulation of gear thermal processing"@en . . "[3FBDF7B6EF0C]" . "The models of phase transformations definition in the software Deform and their effect on the output values from the numerical simulation of gear thermal processing" . . . . "RIV/49777513:23210/14:43924019" . "2"^^ . . . . "Software Deform allows numerical simulation of the structural phase compositions in the modeled components during heat treatment and after it. Computation of the structural composition depends on the knowledge of the TTT diagrams of the steel in its graphical form, or you can use one of the integrated mathematical models assuming knowledge of the necessary constants. The present paper evaluate to what extent the numerical simulations results disagree in dependence on the ways of phase transformations defining during heat treatment of gear and specially prepared sample of the simple shape. It has been shown that the necessity to prepare the input data in terms of a consistent mapping of the material used is crucial."@en . . "4" . "13"^^ . "P(FR-TI3/503)" . "https://fstroj.uniza.sk/journal-mi/PDF/2014/22-2014.pdf" . . "Software Deform allows numerical simulation of the structural phase compositions in the modeled components during heat treatment and after it. Computation of the structural composition depends on the knowledge of the TTT diagrams of the steel in its graphical form, or you can use one of the integrated mathematical models assuming knowledge of the necessary constants. The present paper evaluate to what extent the numerical simulations results disagree in dependence on the ways of phase transformations defining during heat treatment of gear and specially prepared sample of the simple shape. It has been shown that the necessity to prepare the input data in terms of a consistent mapping of the material used is crucial." . "1335-0803" . "Bene\u0161ov\u00E1, So\u0148a" . "gear; numerical simulation; Deform"@en . "K\u0159\u00ED\u017E, Anton\u00EDn" . . . . . "30010" . "21" . . "Materi\u00E1lov\u00E9 in\u017Einierstvo" . "The models of phase transformations definition in the software Deform and their effect on the output values from the numerical simulation of gear thermal processing"@en . "The models of phase transformations definition in the software Deform and their effect on the output values from the numerical simulation of gear thermal processing" . "RIV/49777513:23210/14:43924019!RIV15-MPO-23210___" . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . . "23210" .