"Fr\u00E9zovac\u00ED hlava z kruhov\u00FDmi desti\u010Dkami-star\u00FD princip a nov\u00E9 uspo\u0159\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED"@cs . "Emmer, Thomas" . . . "RIV/49777513:23210/04:00000155!RIV08-MSM-23210___" . "Milling head round chisel system - an old principle new disposed" . . "milling tool, cut splitting, coaxial penetration, round chisel, low vibration cutting"@en . "Milling head round chisel system - an old principle new disposed"@en . "3"^^ . "23210" . "Z\u00E1pado\u010Desk\u00E1 univerzita v Plzni" . "1"^^ . "Schmidt, Kurt" . "Sova, Franti\u0161ek" . . . "Die Fraeskoepfe der neuen Konzeption ermoeglichen die hohe Produktivitaet des Fraesprozsses zu erzielen.Im Praxis haben sich wie die Konzeptionen des Monobloks als auch das so genannte Kassettensystem durchsetzt.Ihre Flexibilitaet im Praxis im Bezug auf die verschiedene Forderungen ist jedoch beschraengt,abgesehen von ihrer vehaeltnimaessig hohen Preis.Aus diesem Grunde wurde der Fraeskopf mit Rundplaetchen etwickelt.Praxis hat die Vortele dieser Loesung gezeigt" . "[504AFF74C287]" . "Fr\u00E9zovac\u00ED hlava z kruhov\u00FDmi desti\u010Dkami-star\u00FD princip a nov\u00E9 uspo\u0159\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED"@cs . "1-5" . "Plze\u0148" . . "S" . "Plze\u0148" . "5"^^ . . "Fr\u00E9zovac\u00ED hlavy nov\u00E9 konstrukce umo\u017E\u0148uj\u00ED dos\u00E1hnout vysok\u00E9 produktivity fr\u00E9zov\u00E1n\u00ED. V praxi se prosadily jak konstrukce monobloku tak kazetov\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu. Jejich flexibilita v praxi s ohledem na r\u016Fzn\u00E9 po\u017Eadavky je v\u0161ak dosti omezen\u00E1, nehled\u011B na pom\u011Brn\u011B vysokou po\u0159izovac\u00ED cenu. Z t\u011Bchto d\u016Fvod\u016F byla vyvinuta fr\u00E9zovac\u00ED hlava s kruhov\u00FDmi b\u0159itov\u00FDmi desti\u010Dkami. Praktick\u00E9 testy uk\u00E1zaly na v\u00FDhodnost takov\u00E9ho \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED z hlediska flexibility, silov\u00E9ho zat\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED,produktivity, univerz\u00E1lnosti a nakonec i ceny."@cs . . . "Milling head round chisel system - an old principle new disposed" . "80-7043-476-7" . . "RIV/49777513:23210/04:00000155" . "Stroj\u00EDrensk\u00E1 technologie - Plze\u0148 2004" . "573662" . . "Milling head round chisel system - an old principle new disposed"@en . . "2004-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . "The highly developed milling head system with carbide indexable tips ensures a high productivity level due to the milling machining. The monoblock design cutting tools with precision processed insert spots have proved themselves in practice as well as cassette systems. Besides the high costs of the cutting tools in the purchase and operation the high specialization has negative effect. Their flexibility and universality for the changeable machining tasks are limited. The intention is a development of the cost reduced milling head system with the properties of high strength, simple handling and high load resistance and was accessed at the known principle of the round chisel."@en . . .