"Cultivars, homozygous sources and lines of pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistant to Erysiphe pisi had recently been attacked by another powdery mildew species, Erysiphe baeumleri, in the field and in glasshouse conditions. Inoculation with E. baeumleri was carried out in the glasshouse to evaluate the level of resistance of 16 pea genotypes. Susceptible pea lines produced abundant conidia and cleistocarps on petioles and leaves. Only the genotype Tudor (Cebeco 4119) was found to be completely resistant to E. baeumleri. Nineteen pea genotypes (with gene er-1) were tested to natural infection by E. baeumleri in field screening trials. Only few of them demonstrated a high level of resistance (Fallon, AC Melfort and Joel). Consort R, SGL 2024, SGL 1977 and Franklin were very susceptible to E. baeumleri. Cleistocarps with 14x dichotomously branching apices of appendages were formed only on susceptible and very susceptible plants of genotypes SGL 444/2185, Consort R, SGL 2024, SGL 1977, LU 390-R2, Lifter," . . "3" . . . . "1212-2580" . . . "Odstr\u010Dilov\u00E1, Lenka" . "Response of Pisum sativum germplasm resistant to Erysiphe pisi to inoculation with Erysiphe baeumleri, a new pathogen of pea."@en . "Plant Protection Science" . . "P(QF3071), Z(MSM2678424601)" . "Ond\u0159ej, Michal" . "RIV/49451766:_____/05:R0083565!RIV07-MZE-49451766" . . . . . . "Reakce genov\u00FDch zdroj\u016F hrachu (Pisum sativum) s rezistenc\u00ED v\u016F\u010Di druhu Erysiphe pisi na inokulaci druhem Erysiphe baeumleri, nov\u00FDm patogenem hrachu."@cs . "540949" . "Reakce genov\u00FDch zdroj\u016F hrachu (Pisum sativum) s rezistenc\u00ED v\u016F\u010Di druhu Erysiphe pisi na inokulaci druhem Erysiphe baeumleri, nov\u00FDm patogenem hrachu."@cs . . "Response of Pisum sativum germplasm resistant to Erysiphe pisi to inoculation with Erysiphe baeumleri, a new pathogen of pea." . . "Dost\u00E1lov\u00E1, Radmila" . "Response of Pisum sativum germplasm resistant to Erysiphe pisi to inoculation with Erysiphe baeumleri, a new pathogen of pea."@en . "Ve sklen\u00EDkov\u00FDch podm\u00EDnk\u00E1ch inokulace bylo hodnoceno 16 genotyp\u016F hrachu s genem er-1 (E. pisi DC.) na n\u00E1chylnost k druhu E. baeumleri. Na \u0159ap\u00EDc\u00EDch a listech citliv\u00FDch genotyp\u016F se hojn\u011B tvo\u0159ily konidie a kleistocarpy. Jako zcela rezistentn\u00ED zdroj proti E. baeumleri byl ve sklen\u00EDku zji\u0161t\u011Bn pouze genotyp Tudor (Cebeco 4119). V poln\u00EDch pokusech bylo za\u0159azeno 19 genotyp\u016F hrachu s genem er-1 (E. pisi DC.). Z nich m\u011Bly vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED stupe\u0148 odolnosti proti p\u0159irozen\u00E9 infekci E. baeumleri (Fallon, AC Melfort, Joel) pouze n\u011Bkter\u00E9. K nejn\u00E1chyln\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDm genotyp\u016Fm v poln\u00EDch podm\u00EDnk\u00E1ch pat\u0159ily: Consort R, SGL 2024, SGL 1977 a Franklin. Kleistocarpy s 1\u20134x dichotomicky rozv\u011Btven\u00FDmi vrcholky p\u0159\u00EDv\u011Bsk\u016F se tvo\u0159ily ve sklen\u00EDkov\u00FDch a poln\u00EDch pokusech pouze u n\u00E1chyln\u00FDch a velmi n\u00E1chyln\u00FDch genotyp\u016F (SGL 444/2185, Consort R, SGL 2024, SGL 1977, LU 390-R2, Lifter, Highlight, Cebeco 1171 a Carneval R). Kontroln\u00ED genotypy bez genu er-1 (Komet, Adept a Gotik) byly v pokusech napadeny pouze druhem E. pisi."@cs . "RIV/49451766:_____/05:R0083565" . . "3"^^ . "Cultivars, homozygous sources and lines of pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistant to Erysiphe pisi had recently been attacked by another powdery mildew species, Erysiphe baeumleri, in the field and in glasshouse conditions. Inoculation with E. baeumleri was carried out in the glasshouse to evaluate the level of resistance of 16 pea genotypes. Susceptible pea lines produced abundant conidia and cleistocarps on petioles and leaves. Only the genotype Tudor (Cebeco 4119) was found to be completely resistant to E. baeumleri. Nineteen pea genotypes (with gene er-1) were tested to natural infection by E. baeumleri in field screening trials. Only few of them demonstrated a high level of resistance (Fallon, AC Melfort and Joel). Consort R, SGL 2024, SGL 1977 and Franklin were very susceptible to E. baeumleri. Cleistocarps with 14x dichotomously branching apices of appendages were formed only on susceptible and very susceptible plants of genotypes SGL 444/2185, Consort R, SGL 2024, SGL 1977, LU 390-R2, Lifter,"@en . . "Pea, powdery mildew, natural infection, resistance, field and glasshouse screening"@en . "[DD1AEDCCF7E5]" . "3"^^ . . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Response of Pisum sativum germplasm resistant to Erysiphe pisi to inoculation with Erysiphe baeumleri, a new pathogen of pea." . "8"^^ . "3" . . . .