"Neuveden" . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "Z(MV0K04:0003/1)" . "Nootropn\u00ED l\u00E1tky %22smart drugs%22 se za\u010D\u00EDnaj\u00ED uplat\u0148ovat v na\u0161em \u017Eivot\u011B od druh\u00E9 poloviny dvac\u00E1t\u00E9ho stolet\u00ED, ale nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00EDho z\u00E1jmu ve\u0159ejnosti se jim dost\u00E1v\u00E1 a\u017E na po\u010D\u00E1tku na\u0161eho stolet\u00ED. Je tomu tak proto, \u017Ee \u017Eivotn\u00ED tempo a styl kladou st\u00E1le v\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED n\u00E1roky na psychiku \u010Dlov\u011Bka, na jeho aktivitu, n\u00E1ladu, pam\u011B\u0165, schopnost u\u010Den\u00ED. I kdy\u017E tyto l\u00E1tky nep\u0159edstavuj\u00ED ani zdaleka takov\u00E9 ohro\u017Een\u00ED jako klsick\u00E9 drogy (opi\u00E1ty, kokain, ATS l\u00E1tky a pod.) nem\u011Blo by b\u00FDt jejich pravideln\u00E9 u\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED br\u00E1no na lehkou v\u00E1hu. Zejm\u00E9na n v t\u011Bch p\u0159\u00EDpadech, kde maj\u00ED nahradit nedostatek v\u016Fle p\u0159em\u00E1hat p\u0159ek\u00E1\u017Eky nebo ochotu v\u011Bnovat \u010Das a \u00FAsil\u00ED osvojovat si pot\u0159ebn\u00E9 v\u011Bdomosti a znalosti." . . "Nootropical substances (smart drugs)"@en . . . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "2" . . "\u0160tablov\u00E1, Renata" . . . . "Nootropn\u00ED l\u00E1tky." . . "RIV/48135445:_____/03:00000047" . "107-109" . "[E59A4AD10C91]" . "1211-2461" . "Nootropical substances (smart drugs)"@en . "3"^^ . . . "RIV/48135445:_____/03:00000047!RIV/2004/MV0/K04004/N" . "drugs; nootropical substances;"@en . "Bezpe\u010Dnostn\u00ED teorie a praxe. Sborn\u00EDk Policejn\u00ED akademie \u010CR." . "Nootropn\u00ED l\u00E1tky."@cs . "Nootropn\u00ED l\u00E1tky."@cs . "618183" . "The smart drugs start to appear in our lives in the 2nd half of the 20th century, but the public interest in them has grown at the beginning of this century. It is because of our life speed and life style, which are exhausting to human\u00B4s psychic, activitmood, memory, learning ability. In spite of the fact that the smart drugs are not so dangerous as the classical drugs (opiates, cocaine, ATS substances etc.) their regular usage cannot be detracted. Especially in those cases when they have to replace lack of wil in getting over the obstacles and difficulties in learning and knowledge acquisition."@en . "1"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "Nootropn\u00ED l\u00E1tky." . .