"16"^^ . "Mobbing, terror and psycho terror is a kind of behaviour, which can be observed in labour law-related relations and which stress ethics of organisations. Aim of the work is to discover current situation and employees? awareness of mobbing. Social and economical incidences were investigated by analysis of literature, internet resources, fora and laws. In Czech Republic the direct or indirect experience of people with mobbing was mapped by the help of a questionary. Research confirmed that 29 % of respondents are directly involved in mobbing, 63 % know somebody in this situation. 32 % of the victims leave work, because of mobbing and in this way fluctuation of employees is rising up, effecting the economy of company or organisation in a negative way." . "1212-415X" . . "19520" . . . "RIV/47813059:19520/13:#0002221!RIV14-MSM-19520___" . . "labor law-related relations; mobber; non-profit sector; questionnaire survey"@en . "88650" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "HALTOFOV\u00C1, Vendula" . "1" . "Acta academica karviniensia" . . . "HALTOFOV\u00C1, Pavl\u00EDna" . "Mobbing in the profit and non-profit sector"@en . "2"^^ . "Mobbing in the profit and non-profit sector"@en . "1"^^ . . . "I" . . "Mobbing, terror and psycho terror is a kind of behaviour, which can be observed in labour law-related relations and which stress ethics of organisations. Aim of the work is to discover current situation and employees? awareness of mobbing. Social and economical incidences were investigated by analysis of literature, internet resources, fora and laws. In Czech Republic the direct or indirect experience of people with mobbing was mapped by the help of a questionary. Research confirmed that 29 % of respondents are directly involved in mobbing, 63 % know somebody in this situation. 32 % of the victims leave work, because of mobbing and in this way fluctuation of employees is rising up, effecting the economy of company or organisation in a negative way."@en . "Mobbing in the profit and non-profit sector" . . . . . . "13" . . "Mobbing in the profit and non-profit sector" . . "RIV/47813059:19520/13:#0002221" . "[2306183914E0]" .