. "1"^^ . "161424" . . "RIV/47813059:19510/12:#0000201" . "political persecution; repression; the Soviet Union; Czech minority; Czechoslovak citizens; Gulag, \u201Egreat terror\u201C; crimes NKVD"@en . "9"^^ . . . "Presledovanije \u010Dechov i gra\u017Edan \u010Cechoslovakiji v SSSR v 1918-1945 gg" . . . . . . "\u0160ko\u013Anyje uroki po teme \u201EIstorija politi\u010Deskich repressij i soprotivlenije nesvobode v SSSR\u201C" . . "The contribution summarizes the fundamental information on the range and structure of the victims of political repressions from the lines of the Czech and Czechoslovak citizens in the former Soviet Union and on research project dealing with this issue. It gives also some specific examples of the repressions."@en . . . "P(GA409/09/0555)" . . . "The Persecution of the Czech and Czechoslovak Citizens in the Soviet Union in 1918-1945"@en . . . . . "Presledovanije \u010Dechov i gra\u017Edan \u010Cechoslovakiji v SSSR v 1918-1945 gg" . "RIV/47813059:19510/12:#0000201!RIV13-GA0-19510___" . "Izd. Prava \u010Deloveka" . "[FB13A3AED23C]" . . "978-5-7712-0437-6" . . . "Bor\u00E1k, Me\u010Dislav" . "Statja podvodit osnovnyje dannyje o mas\u0161tabe i strukture \u017Eertv politi\u010Deskich repressij \u010Dechov i \u010Dechoslovackich gra\u017Edan v byv\u0161em Sovetskom sojuze i o issledovatelskom projekte, kotoryj kasajetsja etoj problematiki. Privodit to\u017Ee nekotoryje konkretnyje primery repressij." . . "The Persecution of the Czech and Czechoslovak Citizens in the Soviet Union in 1918-1945"@en . "Moskva" . "1"^^ . "19510" . "Moskva" . "2012-01-01+01:00"^^ .