"PROCEEDINGS East West Fuzzy Colloquium 2002, 10 th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, Heft 75 - 2002, Nr. 1929 -1977" . . "Two- Dimensional Fuzzy Control of the Non-linear Helikopter position"@en . "[FF00C11A8173]" . "HS Zittau/G\u00F6rlitz" . "Votrubec, Radek" . "2"^^ . "Two- Dimensional Fuzzy Control of the Non-linear Helikopter position" . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . . "RIV/46747885:24220/02:00000061" . . . "In this paper we present a special structure and design of two-dimensional fuzzy controller for a physical helicopter position control. Such the plant is strongly non-linear due to the aerodynamic forces of two propellers and their gyroscopic effects. We approached the analysis of the plant, knowledge base acquisition and the design of the controller through experimental investigations. The new fuzzy controller structure enables robust and independent control of the helicopter elevation and azimuth, which we prove on real time behaviour of the physical helicopter model."@en . . . "125-136" . "Z(MSM 242200001)" . . "INSTITUT F\u00DCR PROZESSTECHNIK, PROZESSAUTOMATISIERUNG UND MESSTECHNIK" . . "In this paper we present a special structure and design of two-dimensional fuzzy controller for a physical helicopter position control. Such the plant is strongly non-linear due to the aerodynamic forces of two propellers and their gyroscopic effects. We approached the analysis of the plant, knowledge base acquisition and the design of the controller through experimental investigations. The new fuzzy controller structure enables robust and independent control of the helicopter elevation and azimuth, which we prove on real time behaviour of the physical helicopter model." . "24220" . "2002-09-04+02:00"^^ . "12"^^ . . . "Two- Dimensional Fuzzy Control of the Non-linear Helikopter position"@en . "667558" . "%22Fuzzy control; MIMO systems%22"@en . . "Two- Dimensional Fuzzy Control of the Non-linear Helikopter position" . . "RIV/46747885:24220/02:00000061!RIV/2003/MSM/242203/N" . . "3-9808089-2-0" . . . "Zittau, Germany" . . "Modrl\u00E1k, Osvald" .