"Maj\u00EDce jedine\u010Dn\u00E9, chemick\u00E9, fyzik\u00E1ln\u00ED a mechanick\u00E9 vlastnost\u00ED jsou nanomateri\u00E1ly pou\u017Eiteln\u00E9 pro mnoho maplikac\u00ED. Modern\u00ED u\u017Eivatel\u00E9 automobil\u016F pot\u0159ebuj\u00ED bezpe\u010Dn\u00E1 vozidla s mal\u00FDm nebo \u017E\u00E1dn\u00FDm dopadem na \u017Eivotn\u00ED prost\u0159ed\u00ED. Nanotechnologie je kritickou oblast\u00ED automobiln\u00EDho v\u00FDzkumu a v\u00FDvoje, kter\u00E1 j\u00ED adresuje tyto pot\u0159eby. \u010Cl\u00E1nek prezentuje posledn\u00ED automobilov\u00E9 aplikace nanotechnologie, kter\u00E9 raz\u00ED cestu dal\u0161\u00ED generaci automobil\u016F. Diamantov\u00E9 uhl\u00EDkov\u00E9 (DLC) filmy jsou velmi v\u00FDzmamn\u00FDm polem, proto\u017Ee maj\u00ED mo\u017Enost zlep\u0161it t\u0159ec\u00ED vlasnosti za r\u016Fzn\u00FDch kluzn\u00FDch podm\u00EDnek. Auto\u0159i se zam\u011B\u0159uj\u00ED na DLC film, kter\u00E9 maj\u00ED extr\u00E9mn\u011B n\u00EDzk\u00FD koeficient za podm\u00EDnek such\u00E9ho kluzu na vzduchu. T\u0159ec\u00ED zkou\u0161ka byla provedena za podm\u00EDnek such\u00E9ho kluzu. Zjistilo se, \u017Ee filmy maj\u00ED It was found that the films have an mimo\u0159\u00E1dn\u011B n\u00EDzky koeficient t\u0159en\u00ED. Aby se vyzkou\u0161el mechanizmus n\u00EDzk\u00E9ho t\u0159en\u00ED film\u016F, byla provedena povrchov\u00E1 anal\u00FDza na opot\u0159ebovan\u00E9m povrchu DLC film\u016F proti lo\u017Eiskov\u00E9 oceli."@cs . . . "Louda, Petr" . . "436132" . "Hejnice" . "Nanotechnology and transport" . "978-80-7372-266-1" . "Nanotechnology and transport"@en . "2007-10-24+02:00"^^ . "Nanotechnology and transport"@en . . . "1"^^ . "Zah\u00E1lka, Petr" . . "International Conference Vacuum and Plasma Surface Engineering" . "Nanotechnologie a doprava"@cs . . . . . "3"^^ . . "Nanotechnologie a doprava"@cs . . . "2"^^ . "41" . . "Technick\u00E1 univerzita v Liberci" . . "[BC930D19B596]" . "Possessing unique, beneficial chemical, physical, and mechanical properties, nanomaterialscan be used for a wide variety of applications. Modern automotive customers need safervehicles with little or no impact to the environment. Nanotechnology is a critical area ofautomotive R&D to address these needs. Paper present the latest automotive applications ofnanotechnology that pave the road for the next generation of automobiles. Diamond-likecarbon (DLC) films are of significant interest for the automobile field, because they possessthe potential to improve friction properties under various sliding conditions. Among thevarious DLC films, the authors focus on DLC films, which exhibit extremely low frictioncoefficient under dry sliding conditions in an ambient air atmosphere. The friction test wasconducted under dry sliding conditions. It was found that the films have an exceedingly lowfriction coefficient."@en . . "24210" . "%22nanotechnology; applications; risks%22"@en . "Z(MSM4674788501)" . "Liberec" . . "Possessing unique, beneficial chemical, physical, and mechanical properties, nanomaterialscan be used for a wide variety of applications. Modern automotive customers need safervehicles with little or no impact to the environment. Nanotechnology is a critical area ofautomotive R&D to address these needs. Paper present the latest automotive applications ofnanotechnology that pave the road for the next generation of automobiles. Diamond-likecarbon (DLC) films are of significant interest for the automobile field, because they possessthe potential to improve friction properties under various sliding conditions. Among thevarious DLC films, the authors focus on DLC films, which exhibit extremely low frictioncoefficient under dry sliding conditions in an ambient air atmosphere. The friction test wasconducted under dry sliding conditions. It was found that the films have an exceedingly lowfriction coefficient." . "RIV/46747885:24210/07:@KMT0100" . "T\u016Fmov\u00E1, \u0160t\u011Bp\u00E1nka" . "RIV/46747885:24210/07:@KMT0100!RIV08-MSM-24210___" . "Nanotechnology and transport" .