. "\u010Cesk\u00E1 republika: Nov\u00FD z\u00E1kon o nemocensk\u00E9m poji\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED."@cs . . "Syst\u00E9m nemocensk\u00E9ho poji\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED v \u010CR neodpov\u00EDd\u00E1 sou\u010Dasn\u00FDm pot\u0159eb\u00E1m, je n\u00E1kladn\u00FD a zneu\u017E\u00EDvan\u00FD zam\u011Bstnanci i zam\u011Bstnavateli. Vl\u00E1da \u010CR se proto rozhodla jej m\u011Bnit. Prvn\u00EDm krokem byla novela z\u00E1kona \u010D. 54/1956 Sb., je\u017E v roce 2004 p\u0159inesla v\u00FDrazn\u00E9 sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDpad\u016F kr\u00E1tkodob\u00E9 pracovn\u00ED neschopnosti, ale z\u00E1rove\u0148 vedla i k dal\u0161\u00EDmu prodlou\u017Een\u00ED pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00E9 d\u00E9lky pracovn\u00ED neschopnosti. Nyn\u00ED, v 1. pol. 2005, p\u0159ich\u00E1z\u00ED vl\u00E1da s n\u00E1vrhem nov\u00E9 z\u00E1konn\u00E9 \u00FApravy, je\u017E proch\u00E1z\u00ED projedn\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00EDm v parlamentu. Novela obsahuje z\u00E1sadn\u00ED novinku, kter\u00E1 ale vyvol\u00E1v\u00E1 odpor dot\u010Den\u00FDch subjekt\u016F, a to povinnost zam\u011Bstnavatel\u016F vypl\u00E1cet za prvn\u00EDch \u010Dtrn\u00E1ct dn\u016F pracovn\u00ED neschopnosti zam\u011Bstnanc\u016Fm n\u00E1hradu mzdy. Norma by m\u011Bla platit od \u010Dervence roku 2006."@cs . "RIV/45773009:_____/05:#0000049" . . "Z(MPS4577300901)" . "Czech Republic: New law on sickness insurance." . "1"^^ . "Czech Republic: New law on sickness insurance."@en . "\u010Cesk\u00E1 republika: Nov\u00FD z\u00E1kon o nemocensk\u00E9m poji\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED."@cs . . . "1"^^ . "http://www.eiro.eurofound.eu.int/2005/07/feature/cz0507102f.html" . "European Foundation for Improving Living and Working Conditions" . "516817" . "health insurance; sickness insurance; financing; employers"@en . "Kadav\u00E1, Charlotte" . . . "Health insurance in the Czech Republic does not meet current requirements, is costly and exploited by employees and employers alike. The government has therefore decided to take action. The first step was the amendment to Act No. 54/1956 Coll., which, in 2004, significantly reduced cases of short-term disablement, but led to increased lengths of disablement. In 2005, the government made a further proposal for new legal amendments, which are currently being debated in parliament. These amendments contain substantial innovation, including an obligation for employer\u2019s to pay compensation for the first 14 days of employee disability, an amendment which has elicited opposition. The regulation should be in place from July 2006." . "Health insurance in the Czech Republic does not meet current requirements, is costly and exploited by employees and employers alike. The government has therefore decided to take action. The first step was the amendment to Act No. 54/1956 Coll., which, in 2004, significantly reduced cases of short-term disablement, but led to increased lengths of disablement. In 2005, the government made a further proposal for new legal amendments, which are currently being debated in parliament. These amendments contain substantial innovation, including an obligation for employer\u2019s to pay compensation for the first 14 days of employee disability, an amendment which has elicited opposition. The regulation should be in place from July 2006."@en . . . . . . . "Czech Republic: New law on sickness insurance." . . . "Czech Republic: New law on sickness insurance."@en . "Dublin" . "RIV/45773009:_____/05:#0000049!RIV06-MPS-45773009" . "[0FE1C662530E]" . . .