"R" . . "Br\u016Fhov\u00E1-Folt\u00FDnov\u00E1, Hana" . . "8822" . . . . "The CIVITAS Initiative supports implementation and evaluation of sustainable mobility measures. Using CIVITAS documents and data from semi-structured interviews with 25 cities, we analyze the contribution of CIVITAS to improvement of policy documents at the city level. We further suggest and develop an Index of Policy Environment to describe the cities and to verify whether the composition and quality of strategies and policy documents as well as the ways of communication with key stakeholders influence implementation and impacts of different sustainable transport measures. Our findings indicate that policy environment influences the implementation process of sustainable mobility measures though the effect is not fatal and usually does not prevent the measure implementation. According to some findings, transport modes might have different sensitivity to particular aspects of policy environment."@en . "15"^^ . "The Contribution of Different Policy Elements to Sustainable Urban Mobility" . "2"^^ . "CIVITAS Initiative; decision-making process; transport policy documents; Index of Policy Environment; sustainable mobility indicators"@en . "The Contribution of Different Policy Elements to Sustainable Urban Mobility"@en . "10.1016/j.trpro.2014.11.024" . "Transportation Research Procedia" . "RIV/44994575:_____/14:#0001411!RIV15-MSM-44994575" . "The Contribution of Different Policy Elements to Sustainable Urban Mobility" . . . "2"^^ . . "[3F5D39B8DCFE]" . "2352-1465" . . "Mnichov" . . "2014-01-01+01:00"^^ . "ELSEVIER" . "RIV/44994575:_____/14:#0001411" . "http://ac.els-cdn.com/S235214651400307X/1-s2.0-S235214651400307X-main.pdf?_tid=eef55dfa-c19d-11e4-bde4-00000aacb35f&acdnat=1425384659_b9fa3c31d7d7675ec5c0cee9288ee71c" . . . . . . . "The Contribution of Different Policy Elements to Sustainable Urban Mobility"@en . "Jordov\u00E1, Radka" . . . "The CIVITAS Initiative supports implementation and evaluation of sustainable mobility measures. Using CIVITAS documents and data from semi-structured interviews with 25 cities, we analyze the contribution of CIVITAS to improvement of policy documents at the city level. We further suggest and develop an Index of Policy Environment to describe the cities and to verify whether the composition and quality of strategies and policy documents as well as the ways of communication with key stakeholders influence implementation and impacts of different sustainable transport measures. Our findings indicate that policy environment influences the implementation process of sustainable mobility measures though the effect is not fatal and usually does not prevent the measure implementation. According to some findings, transport modes might have different sensitivity to particular aspects of policy environment." .