"And\u011Bl, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "Balej, Martin" . "000292986600006" . . "Typology of the districts in Czechia based on land cover structure"@en . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "1212-0014" . . "RIV/44555601:13440/11:43883292" . "Typology of the districts in Czechia based on land cover structure" . . . . . "The authors analyse land cover changes in Czechia after 1990 on a meso-scale, i.e., on the administrative unit/district scale. The CORINE land cover database makes it possible to compare land cover differences and similarities in 1990, 2000 and 2006. The objective of this report is to set out a district typology according to land cover structure, and this will be achieved through the use of statistical methodologies. An intermediate objective is to establish land cover change trends and tendencies, including the intensity and spatial differentiation of these changes. An additional objective is to designate the main driving forces behind these changes. The presumption that land cover in Czechia is tending to become a multi-functional landscape has not been confirmed at the district scale. In contrast, in some districts, monofunctionality is increasing regarding the frequency of land cover classes"@en . . "19"^^ . "RIV/44555601:13440/11:43883292!RIV12-AV0-13440___" . "The authors analyse land cover changes in Czechia after 1990 on a meso-scale, i.e., on the administrative unit/district scale. The CORINE land cover database makes it possible to compare land cover differences and similarities in 1990, 2000 and 2006. The objective of this report is to set out a district typology according to land cover structure, and this will be achieved through the use of statistical methodologies. An intermediate objective is to establish land cover change trends and tendencies, including the intensity and spatial differentiation of these changes. An additional objective is to designate the main driving forces behind these changes. The presumption that land cover in Czechia is tending to become a multi-functional landscape has not been confirmed at the district scale. In contrast, in some districts, monofunctionality is increasing regarding the frequency of land cover classes" . . "13440" . . "Typology of the districts in Czechia based on land cover structure"@en . . . "[3C394DDC72E9]" . "2"^^ . "Land cover changes; Driving forces; Districts; Czechia"@en . "Typology of the districts in Czechia based on land cover structure" . "236410" . "2"^^ . . . "2" . . "P(IAA311230901)" . . . . "Geografie. Sborn\u00EDk \u010Cesk\u00E9 geografick\u00E9 spole\u010Dnosti" . "http://geography.cz/sbornik/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/g11-2-6balej_andel.pdf" . "116" .