"978-80-7298-161-8" . "Enth\u00FAsiasmos a techn\u00E9" . . "I" . . "Kapitola se zam\u011B\u0159uje na dva sp\u0159\u00EDzn\u011Bn\u00E9 momenty, kter\u00E9 jsou tematizov\u00E1ny v plat\u00F3nsk\u00E9 polemice s b\u00E1snickou tradic\u00ED v dialogu I\u00F3n: V prvn\u00ED \u0159ad\u011B p\u0159edstavuje Plat\u00F3novo specifick\u00E9 pojet\u00ED b\u00E1snick\u00E9 inspirace, zasazen\u00E9 do \u0161ir\u0161\u00EDho p\u016Fdorysu poetick\u00E9 performace zahrnuj\u00EDc\u00ED v\u00EDcestup\u0148ov\u00FD vztah mezi b\u00E1sn\u00EDkem, raps\u00F3dem a poslucha\u010Dem, jemu\u017E dominuje motiv %22napln\u011Bn\u00ED bohem%22 (entheos) a %22bo\u017E\u00EDho \u00FAd\u011Blu%22 (theia moira).V druh\u00E9 \u010D\u00E1sti poukazuje na prom\u011Bnu v ch\u00E1p\u00E1n\u00ED b\u00E1snick\u00E9 kompetence a odborn\u00E9 zp\u016Fsobilosti, kterou s sebou plat\u00F3nsk\u00E1 koncepce enthusiasmu nese. Tuto prom\u011Bnu lze spat\u0159ovat p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm ve zpochybn\u011Bn\u00ED statusu poezie jako\u017Eto techn\u00E9, kter\u00E9 je v dialogu I\u00F3n, podobn\u011B jako na jin\u00FDch m\u00EDstech plat\u00F3nsk\u00E9ho korpusu, podlo\u017Eeno d\u016Frazem na jej\u00ED ne-racion\u00E1ln\u00ED a ne-kognitivn\u00ED povahu. V obou ohledech dialog I\u00F3n v\u00FDrazn\u011B p\u0159ezna\u010Duje tradi\u010Dn\u00ED status b\u00E1snictv\u00ED a lze jej proto interpretovat nejen jako sv\u00E9bytn\u00FD a vlivn\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek k ch\u00E1p\u00E1n\u00ED b\u00E1snick\u00E9, pota\u017Emo um\u011Bleck\u00E9 tvorby, ale tak\u00E9 jako implicitn\u00ED polemiku se star\u0161\u00ED b\u00E1snickou tradic\u00ED."@cs . . "Oikoymenh" . . "Praha" . "Kapitola se zam\u011B\u0159uje na dva sp\u0159\u00EDzn\u011Bn\u00E9 momenty, kter\u00E9 jsou tematizov\u00E1ny v plat\u00F3nsk\u00E9 polemice s b\u00E1snickou tradic\u00ED v dialogu I\u00F3n: V prvn\u00ED \u0159ad\u011B p\u0159edstavuje Plat\u00F3novo specifick\u00E9 pojet\u00ED b\u00E1snick\u00E9 inspirace, zasazen\u00E9 do \u0161ir\u0161\u00EDho p\u016Fdorysu poetick\u00E9 performace zahrnuj\u00EDc\u00ED v\u00EDcestup\u0148ov\u00FD vztah mezi b\u00E1sn\u00EDkem, raps\u00F3dem a poslucha\u010Dem, jemu\u017E dominuje motiv %22napln\u011Bn\u00ED bohem%22 (entheos) a %22bo\u017E\u00EDho \u00FAd\u011Blu%22 (theia moira).V druh\u00E9 \u010D\u00E1sti poukazuje na prom\u011Bnu v ch\u00E1p\u00E1n\u00ED b\u00E1snick\u00E9 kompetence a odborn\u00E9 zp\u016Fsobilosti, kterou s sebou plat\u00F3nsk\u00E1 koncepce enthusiasmu nese. Tuto prom\u011Bnu lze spat\u0159ovat p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm ve zpochybn\u011Bn\u00ED statusu poezie jako\u017Eto techn\u00E9, kter\u00E9 je v dialogu I\u00F3n, podobn\u011B jako na jin\u00FDch m\u00EDstech plat\u00F3nsk\u00E9ho korpusu, podlo\u017Eeno d\u016Frazem na jej\u00ED ne-racion\u00E1ln\u00ED a ne-kognitivn\u00ED povahu. V obou ohledech dialog I\u00F3n v\u00FDrazn\u011B p\u0159ezna\u010Duje tradi\u010Dn\u00ED status b\u00E1snictv\u00ED a lze jej proto interpretovat nejen jako sv\u00E9bytn\u00FD a vlivn\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek k ch\u00E1p\u00E1n\u00ED b\u00E1snick\u00E9, pota\u017Emo um\u011Bleck\u00E9 tvorby, ale tak\u00E9 jako implicitn\u00ED polemiku se star\u0161\u00ED b\u00E1snickou tradic\u00ED." . "Enth\u00FAsiasmos and techn\u00E9"@en . "RIV/44555601:13410/14:43886460!RIV15-MSM-13410___" . "RIV/44555601:13410/14:43886460" . . "13410" . . . "Konr\u00E1dov\u00E1, Veronika" . "191"^^ . "1"^^ . . "The chapter focuses on two related moments, which are central themes in the Platonic polemic with the poetic tradition in dialogue Ion. Primarily it represents Plato's specific conception of poetic inspiration, set into a broader ground of poetic performace involving multistage relationship between the poet, the listener and the rhapsode, dominated by the motive of %22fulfillment of god%22 (entheos) and %22divine dispensation%22 (theia moira). In the second part it refers to the change in understanding of poetic competence and professional qualification that comes with the Platonic conception of enthusiasm. This change can be seen especially in challenging the status of poetry as a techne, which is in dialogue Ion, like in other parts of the Platonic corpus, supported by emphasis on its non-rational and non-cognitive nature. In both respects dialog Ion significantly transforms traditional status of poetry and can therefore be interpreted not only as an original and influential contribution to the understanding of the poetic, or artistic creation, but also as an implicit critique of the earlier poetic tradition."@en . . . "1"^^ . . . "Plat\u00F3n\u016Fv dialog I\u00F3n" . . . . "edice Math\u00E9sis, \u010D\u00EDslo svazku 8" . "Enth\u00FAsiasmos a techn\u00E9"@cs . "Enth\u00FAsiasmos and techn\u00E9"@en . . . "Plato, I\u00F3n, poetry, rhetoric, poet, rhapsode, entusiasms, techn\u00E9, art"@en . . "15"^^ . "14722" . "[B2185529E834]" . "Enth\u00FAsiasmos a techn\u00E9" . "Enth\u00FAsiasmos a techn\u00E9"@cs . . .