. "\u0160etrn\u00E9 \u010Derp\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDrodn\u00EDch zdroj\u016F a \u00FAdr\u017Eba krajiny pomoc\u00ED chovu krav bez tr\u017En\u00ED produkce ml\u00E9ka" . . . . "The aim of this work was to investigate the voluntary intake of the forage from permanent grasslands depending on the growing stage and botanical composition of the sward in Czech Fleckvieh cows. Two feeding trials were conducted on 4 cows (live weight: 556 \u2013 590 kg) in the RICB in Rapotin in November and December 2007. The animals were offered grass silage ad-libitum by means of automatic RIC feeding troughs. The daily dry matter intake of the cows was calculated on 100 kg of BW-1.d-1. Average data were 1.82 kg (coefficient of variation 24.95 %) in the first trial and 2.19 kg (coefficient of variation 13.24 %) in the second trial. For during feed trials was voluntary intake 1.96 kg (coefficient of variation 21.08 %). The postponement of the date of the first harvest results in the deterioration of the forage quality that is associated with the continuing lignification of the plants, which is not so rapid in the second harvest which was confirmed by our results."@en . "978-80-87144-04-6" . . "C\u00EDlem pr\u00E1ce bylo zjistit dobrovoln\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDjem su\u0161iny sil\u00E1\u017Ee trval\u00FDch travn\u00EDch porost\u016F z\u00E1visej\u00EDc\u00ED na r\u016Fstov\u00E9m st\u00E1diu a botanick\u00E9m slo\u017Een\u00ED porost\u016F u krav \u010Cesk\u00E9ho strakat\u00E9ho plemene. Dva testy dobrovoln\u00E9ho p\u0159\u00EDjmu byly provedeny na 4 krav\u00E1ch (o hmotnosti 556 \u2013 590 kg \u017Eiv\u00E9 hmotnosti), v pokusn\u00E9 st\u00E1ji V\u00DACHS v Rapot\u00EDn\u011B v listopadu a prosinci 2007. Zv\u00ED\u0159ata byla krmena travn\u00ED sil\u00E1\u017E\u00ED ad-libitum prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm automatick\u00FDch RIC krmn\u00FDch \u017Elab\u016F. Denn\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDjem su\u0161iny travn\u00ED sil\u00E1\u017Ee byl u krav p\u0159epo\u010Dten na 100 kg \u017Eiv\u00E9 hmotnosti. V prvn\u00EDm testu dosahoval p\u0159\u00EDjem su\u0161iny u krav hladiny 1,82 kg (varia\u010Dn\u00ED koeficient 24,95 %), v druh\u00E9m testu 2,19 kg (varia\u010Dn\u00ED koeficient 13,24 %). Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDjem b\u011Bhem cel\u00E9ho testu byl na \u00FArovni 1,96 kg su\u0161iny (varia\u010Dn\u00ED koeficient 21,08 %). Pozd\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED term\u00EDn prvn\u00ED sklizn\u011B vede ke zhor\u0161en\u00ED kvality p\u00EDceje\u017E je spojen s postupuj\u00EDc\u00ED lignifikac\u00ED rostlin.Ten p\u0159i druh\u00E9 sklizni nen\u00ED rapidn\u00ED, jak bylo potvrzeno i na\u0161imi v\u00FDsledky."@cs . "L\u00E1tal, Old\u0159ich" . "Dobrovoln\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDjem p\u00EDce z trval\u00FDch travn\u00EDch porost\u016F s extenzivn\u00EDm vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00EDm u \u010Desk\u00FDch strakat\u00FDch krav"@cs . "403723" . . "\u0160t\u00FDbnarov\u00E1, Marie" . "Rapot\u00EDn" . . . "Rapot\u00EDn" . . . "V\u00FDzkumn\u00FD \u00FAstav pro chov skotu, s.r.o." . "Z(MSM2678846201)" . . "Voluntary intakes of forage from permanent grasslands with extensive utilization in Czech Fleckvieh cows"@en . "Dobrovoln\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDjem p\u00EDce z trval\u00FDch travn\u00EDch porost\u016F s extenzivn\u00EDm vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00EDm u \u010Desk\u00FDch strakat\u00FDch krav"@cs . "Pozd\u00ED\u0161ek, Jan" . "RIV/26788462:_____/08:#0000183!RIV09-MSM-26788462" . . "RIV/26788462:_____/08:#0000183" . . . "voluntary intake; grass silage; cattle"@en . "Voluntary intakes of forage from permanent grasslands with extensive utilization in Czech Fleckvieh cows" . . "3"^^ . "[24231312793A]" . . "4"^^ . . "Voluntary intakes of forage from permanent grasslands with extensive utilization in Czech Fleckvieh cows"@en . . "3"^^ . "Voluntary intakes of forage from permanent grasslands with extensive utilization in Czech Fleckvieh cows" . "The aim of this work was to investigate the voluntary intake of the forage from permanent grasslands depending on the growing stage and botanical composition of the sward in Czech Fleckvieh cows. Two feeding trials were conducted on 4 cows (live weight: 556 \u2013 590 kg) in the RICB in Rapotin in November and December 2007. The animals were offered grass silage ad-libitum by means of automatic RIC feeding troughs. The daily dry matter intake of the cows was calculated on 100 kg of BW-1.d-1. Average data were 1.82 kg (coefficient of variation 24.95 %) in the first trial and 2.19 kg (coefficient of variation 13.24 %) in the second trial. For during feed trials was voluntary intake 1.96 kg (coefficient of variation 21.08 %). The postponement of the date of the first harvest results in the deterioration of the forage quality that is associated with the continuing lignification of the plants, which is not so rapid in the second harvest which was confirmed by our results." . "2008-01-01+01:00"^^ .