. "Pre aplik\u00E1ciu z\u00EDskan\u00FDch poznatkov na model surov\u00E9ho ov\u010Dieho mlieka, kde zvodnenie je doposia\u013E problematicky preuk\u00E1zate\u013En\u00E9, bude potrebn\u00E9: - V pr\u00EDpade strat\u00E9gie merania \u201Espr\u00E1vnych\u201C hodn\u00F4t teploty tuhnutia vykona\u0165 reprezentat\u00EDvny plo\u0161n\u00FD a celosez\u00F3nny monitoring vzoriek surov\u00E9ho ov\u010Dieho mlieka pomocou kryoskopickej met\u00F3dy, zaradi\u0165 vzorky umelo zvodnen\u00E9 a vykona\u0165 spo\u013Eahliv\u00FA \u00FApravu smernice/posunutia met\u00F3dy FTIR, ktor\u00E1 bude reprezentova\u0165 lok\u00E1lne vlastnosti surov\u00E9ho ov\u010Dieho mlieka. Pos\u00FAdi\u0165 vplyv konzerv\u00E1cie vzoriek; - Zv\u00E1\u017Ei\u0165 aj alternat\u00EDvny sp\u00F4sob odhadu zvodnenia a to na z\u00E1klade distrib\u00FAcie po\u010Detnosti d\u00E1t takisto reprezentat\u00EDvneho s\u00FAboru vzoriek surov\u00E9ho ov\u010Dieho mlieka, meran\u00E9ho v\u00FDlu\u010Dne met\u00F3dou FTIR, bez \u00FApravy smernice/posunutia, spolu s ostatn\u00FDmi vlastnos\u0165ami mlieka, najm\u00E4 beztukovou su\u0161inou." . "Tom\u00E1\u0161ka, M." . . "Predikcia zvodnenia ov\u010Dieho mlieka \u2013 testovanie zvolen\u00E9ho modelu na mlieku kravskom." . . "RIV/26722861:_____/14:#HA25!RIV15-MZE-26722861" . "2"^^ . . "38796" . "Predikcia zvodnenia ov\u010Dieho mlieka \u2013 testovanie zvolen\u00E9ho modelu na mlieku kravskom." . "Jedelsk\u00E1, Radoslava" . "Chrachalov\u00E1, K." . . "I" . . "http://tresen.vscht.cz/tmt/CPS2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/CPS2014fin.pdf" . "RIV/26722861:_____/14:#HA25" . "[99B7C3938438]" . "Hanu\u0161, Oto" . . . "310 samples of raw cow milk from 4 dairies were analysed for freezing point by the reference cryoscopic method and by FTIR, along with other tests, like total cell counts, somatic cell counts, fat, protein, lactose, solids, urea and casein. Measured data were analysed and statistically treated. Results of freezing point, measured by both methods, correlated significantly, but not markedly (r = 0.314 \u2013 0.432; R2 = 0.0988 \u2013 0.1867). Equivalent of the freezing point obtained from FTIR was more dependent on composition of milk, in comparison to the results from the cryoscope. The conclusions from the study will be utilised in finding of suitable model for prediction of possible adulteration of raw sheep\u00B4s milk with water. Here it is more complicated to estimate addition of water, as composition of sheep\u00B4s milk is very variable and also limit for freezing points is not established in general."@en . . "Prediction of adulteration of sheep\u00B4s milk with water \u2013 testing of the selected model on cow\u00B4s milk."@en . . . . "milk freezing point; milk components; cryoscopy; MFP equivalent"@en . "6"^^ . "Hofericov\u00E1, M." . . . . . "Prediction of adulteration of sheep\u00B4s milk with water \u2013 testing of the selected model on cow\u00B4s milk."@en .