. "Generov\u00E1n\u00ED driver\u016F podle automobilov\u00E9ho standardu HIS"@cs . "UNIS spol. s r.o., Brno, \u010CR" . "Drivery DIO, WDT, ADC, PWM, PWD, CCU, EEP, FLS pro deriv\u00E1ty DP256, DT256, DT128, DJ256, DJ64, DG256, DB128, D32,B128,C128 z rodiny Freescale HCS12." . "Drivers DIO, WDT, ADC, PWM, PWD, CCU, EEP, FLS for derivatives DP256, DT256, DT128, DJ256, DJ64, DG256, DB128, D32,B128,C128 from Freescale HCS12 family was developed with MaMA technology. The implementation was cooperated with and then passed to Volkswagen, Wolfsburg, Germany." . "zv\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED objemu exportu" . "4"^^ . . "Generation of drivers of automotive standard HIS"@en . . . . . . . "RIV/00532304:_____/06:#0000024!RIV08-AV0-00532304" . . . . "Drivery DIO, WDT, ADC, PWM, PWD, CCU, EEP, FLS pro deriv\u00E1ty DP256, DT256, DT128, DJ256, DJ64, DG256, DB128, D32,B128,C128 z rodiny Freescale HCS12 byly vyrobeny s pou\u017Eit\u00EDm technologie MaMA. Implementace byla vytvo\u0159ena ve spolupr\u00E1ci a v z\u00E1v\u011Bru p\u0159edlo\u017Eena automobilce Volkswagen, Wolfsburg, N\u011Bmecko."@cs . "\u010Cernoch, Jaroslav" . . "HISP" . "[A99FFF0CCC51]" . "RIV/00532304:_____/06:#0000024" . "Generation of drivers of automotive standard HIS" . . . "code generation; driver generation; HIS automotive standard; hardware abstraction layer"@en . "Drivers DIO, WDT, ADC, PWM, PWD, CCU, EEP, FLS for derivatives DP256, DT256, DT128, DJ256, DJ64, DG256, DB128, D32,B128,C128 from Freescale HCS12 family was developed with MaMA technology. The implementation was cooperated with and then passed to Volkswagen, Wolfsburg, Germany."@en . . "P(1QS109960517)" . . "Generation of drivers of automotive standard HIS"@en . "Generov\u00E1n\u00ED driver\u016F podle automobilov\u00E9ho standardu HIS"@cs . "476818" . "\u010Cern\u00FD, Stanislav" . . . . "4"^^ . . "Generation of drivers of automotive standard HIS" . .