"Visibility, lamp, measurement of the visibility, luminance meter"@en . . "MERANIE DOH\u013DADNOSTI NA KONCOV\u00C9 SVETL\u00C1" . . . "149349" . . "Sborn\u00EDk anotac\u00ED konference Junior Forensic Science Brno 2011" . "11"^^ . . "Bel\u00E1k, Michal" . "978-80-214-4485-0" . "Apparently every driver has ever faced a situation in which they were not able to decide whether a vehicle in front of them has marker lamps turned on, the vehicle brakes or gives a sign of changing direction. This condition occurs mainly while sunset but also in many other situations. In case of some accidents caused by this phenomenom it would be appropriate to use a method of measurement which would be able to confirm or refute a drivers claim that they did not see the particular beacon. Therefore, this article is focused on description of ways of measuring the range of visibility used in practise, their possible usage for measuring of the range of visibility of the rear lights and also as a scheme for a concrete methodology for this measurement. Practical implementation and evaluation of practical measurement based on this methodics are also included in the article."@en . "Zrejme ka\u017Ed\u00FD vodi\u010D sa niekedy stretol so situ\u00E1ciou, kedy nebol schopn\u00FD presne ur\u010Di\u0165, \u010Di vozidlo id\u00FAce pred n\u00EDm, m\u00E1 zapnut\u00E9 obrysov\u00E9 svetl\u00E1, pr\u00EDpadne brzd\u00ED, \u010Di d\u00E1va znamenie o zmene smeru jazdy. Tak\u00FDto stav nast\u00E1va predov\u0161etk\u00FDm v \u010Dase z\u00E1padu slnka ale i v mnoh\u00FDch in\u00FDch situ\u00E1ci\u00E1ch. V pr\u00EDpade niektor\u00FDch neh\u00F4d sp\u00F4soben\u00FDch tak\u00FDmto javom, by bolo teda vhodn\u00E9 pou\u017Ei\u0165 meraciu met\u00F3du, ktor\u00E1 by dok\u00E1zala potvrdi\u0165 alebo vyvr\u00E1ti\u0165 tvrdenie vodi\u010Da, \u017Ee konkr\u00E9tne sveteln\u00E9 znamenie nevidel. Tento \u010Dl\u00E1nok je preto zameran\u00FD na popis sp\u00F4sobov pou\u017E\u00EDvan\u00FDch v praxi na meranie doh\u013Eadnosti, ich mo\u017En\u00E9 pou\u017Eitie pri meran\u00ED doh\u013Eadnosti na koncov\u00E9 svetl\u00E1 a \u010Falej na n\u00E1vrh konkr\u00E9tnej metodiky pre toto meranie. S\u00FA\u010Das\u0165ou pr\u00E1ce je tie\u017E realiz\u00E1cia a vyhodnotenie praktick\u00E9ho merania na z\u00E1klade navrhnutej metodiky." . "RIV/00216305:26610/12:PU99843!RIV13-MSM-26610___" . . "RIV/00216305:26610/12:PU99843" . "Neuveden" . . "Brno" . "26610" . "Brno" . . "MEASUREMENT OF THE RANGE OF VISIBILITY OF THE REAR LIGHTS"@en . . . "MEASUREMENT OF THE RANGE OF VISIBILITY OF THE REAR LIGHTS"@en . . "MERANIE DOH\u013DADNOSTI NA KONCOV\u00C9 SVETL\u00C1" . "Bel\u00E1k, Michal" . . "2012-04-25+02:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "[398E82D9D3ED]" . "I" . . . "1"^^ .