"V\u00EDtov\u00E1, Eva" . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "7"^^ . "RIV/00216305:26310/06:PU63440!RIV07-MSM-26310___" . "Solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography was used for the analysis of volatile aroma compounds in Niva cheese. Extraction conditions were very mild, which minimize thermal, mechanical or chemical modification of the sample; the method is rapid, simple and cheap. In total 54 compounds were identified in Niva cheese using this method: 3 hydrocarbons, 5 aldehydes, 11 ketones, 18 alcohols, 3 esters, 10 fatty acids and 4 sulphur compounds. These aroma compounds were quantified and consequently changes in concentration of them were studied throughout ripening period. Most of volatile compounds identified were present at all stages of cheese ripening, their amounts changed significantly, however there was not found significant increase in concentration."@en . "Solid-phase microextraction for analysis of mould cheese aroma"@en . "RIV/00216305:26310/06:PU63440" . "SPME pro anal\u00FDzu aroma pl\u00EDs\u0148ov\u00FDch s\u00FDr\u016F"@cs . . . . "Solid-phase microextraction for analysis of mould cheese aroma" . . . "\u0160toudkov\u00E1, Hana" . "Czech J. Food Scencies (Special Isue)" . "268-274" . . "6"^^ . "Z(MSM0021630508)" . "Loupancov\u00E1, Blanka" . "Bab\u00E1k, Libor" . "6"^^ . "Zemanov\u00E1, Jana" . "SPME pro anal\u00FDzu aroma pl\u00EDs\u0148ov\u00FDch s\u00FDr\u016F"@cs . . . . . "6" . "Solid-phase microextraction for analysis of mould cheese aroma" . "500238" . . . "Solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography was used for the analysis of volatile aroma compounds in Niva cheese. Extraction conditions were very mild, which minimize thermal, mechanical or chemical modification of the sample; the method is rapid, simple and cheap. In total 54 compounds were identified in Niva cheese using this method: 3 hydrocarbons, 5 aldehydes, 11 ketones, 18 alcohols, 3 esters, 10 fatty acids and 4 sulphur compounds. These aroma compounds were quantified and consequently changes in concentration of them were studied throughout ripening period. Most of volatile compounds identified were present at all stages of cheese ripening, their amounts changed significantly, however there was not found significant increase in concentration." . "24" . . . "26310" . . . "[72D540F36AE5]" . "1212-1800" . . "SPME spojen\u00E1 s GC byla pou\u017Eita pro anal\u00FDzu t\u011Bkav\u00FDch aroma slou\u010Denin Niva s\u00FDra. Pou\u017Eit\u00E9 extrak\u010Dn\u00ED podm\u00EDnky byly velmi m\u00EDrn\u00E9, co\u017E minimalizuje tepelnou, mechanickou nebo chemickou modifikaci vzorku, metoda je rychl\u00E1, jednoduch\u00E1 a levn\u00E1. T\u011Bkav\u00E9 l\u00E1tky byly extrahov\u00E1ny vl\u00E1knem CarboxenTM/polydimethylsiloxane 85?m, podm\u00EDnky anal\u00FDzy byly optimalizov\u00E1ny. Linearita metody byla v\u00FDborn\u00E1 v koncentra\u010Dn\u00EDm rozsahu 0.003-20 mikrog.g-1, reprodukovatelnost byla dobr\u00E1 (RSD 2-11 %). Detek\u010Dn\u00ED limity se pro r\u016Fzn\u00E9 standardn\u00ED slou\u010Deniny podstatn\u011B li\u0161ily. Celkem bylo pomoc\u00ED t\u00E9to metody v s\u00FDru Niva identifikov\u00E1no 54 slou\u010Denin: 3 uhlovod\u00EDky, 5 aldehyd\u016F, 11 keton\u016F, 18 alkohol\u016F, 3 estery, 10 MK a 4 slou\u010Deniny s\u00EDry. tyto aroma slou\u010Deniny byly kvantifikov\u00E1ny a n\u00E1sledn\u011B byly sledov\u00E1ny jejich zm\u011Bny v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu zr\u00E1n\u00ED s\u00FDra. V\u011Bt\u0161ina identifikovan\u00FDch slou\u010Denin byla p\u0159\u00EDtomna ve v\u0161ech f\u00E1z\u00EDch zr\u00E1n\u00ED, ale v r\u016Fzn\u00FDch koncentrac\u00EDch."@cs . "SPME, aroma, cheese"@en . "Solid-phase microextraction for analysis of mould cheese aroma"@en . . "B\u0159ezina, Pavel" . .