. "26230" . . "\u010Cernock\u00FD, Jan" . "P(GA102/05/0278)" . "System for automatic language identification (LID)"@en . . . . . "[FCBE69E8E97E]" . "Mat\u011Bjka, Pavel" . "System for automatic language identification (LID)" . "The system is able to determine the language a particular speech segment was spoken. It contains a combination of phonotactic and acoustic systems. Its functionality was verified in NIST-LRE-2005 evaluations where it scored among the best systems in a competition of 13 industrial and academic labs from all over the world. The system contains also a user interface under MS Windows." . "RIV/00216305:26230/05:PR22024" . "System for automatic language identification (LID)" . . "Burget, Luk\u00E1\u0161" . "Syst\u00E9m je schopen ur\u010Dit, jak\u00FDm jazykem byl \u0159e\u010Den p\u0159\u00EDchoz\u00ED \u0159e\u010Dov\u00FD segment. Obsahuje kombinaci fonotaktick\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu a akustick\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu. Jeho funk\u010Dnost byla ov\u011B\u0159ena v mezin\u00E1rodn\u00ED evalua\u010Dn\u00ED kampani NIST-LRE-2005, kde se um\u00EDstil na p\u0159edn\u00EDch m\u00EDstech mezi syst\u00E9my 13 pr\u016Fmyslov\u00FDch a akademick\u00FDch laborato\u0159\u00ED z cel\u00E9ho sv\u011Bta. K syst\u00E9mu je k disposici u\u017Eivatelsk\u00E9 rozhran\u00ED pod MS Windows."@cs . "Syst\u00E9m pro automatickou identifikaci jazyka (LID)"@cs . "LID" . . "RIV/00216305:26230/05:PR22024!RIV06-GA0-26230___" . . "Brno" . . . . "4"^^ . "4"^^ . . . "K syst\u00E9mu je k disposici u\u017Eivatelsk\u00E9 rozhran\u00ED pod MS Windows." . "545807" . . "Schwarz, Petr" . "speech processing"@en . . "The system is able to determine the language a particular speech segment was spoken. It contains a combination of phonotactic and acoustic systems. Its functionality was verified in NIST-LRE-2005 evaluations where it scored among the best systems in a competition of 13 industrial and academic labs from all over the world. The system contains also a user interface under MS Windows."@en . "System for automatic language identification (LID)"@en . "Syst\u00E9m pro automatickou identifikaci jazyka (LID)"@cs . "nevy\u010D\u00EDsleny" . . . .