. . . "562465" . "This contribution deals with the extinguishing process in low voltage circuit breakers. The main parameters that affect burning of an electric arc between contacts are described. The attention is focused on the first period of extinguishing process whenthe arc is moving along the contacts. One of the parameter - velocity of the contacts due to electrodynamic forces - is described in more details. The forces are computed using the finite element method." . . . "Electric Arc Extinguishing in Low Voltage Circuit Breakers" . "RIV/00216305:26220/04:PU43853!RIV/2005/GA0/262205/N" . . "Praha" . "Praha" . "P(GA102/04/2090)" . . "2004-05-20+02:00"^^ . . "26220" . "1-5" . . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Electric Arc Extinguishing process"@en . "RIV/00216305:26220/04:PU43853" . "Zh\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED elektrick\u00E9ho oblouku v n\u00EDzkonap\u011B\u0165ov\u00FDch jisti\u010D\u00EDch"@cs . "Electric Arc Extinguishing in Low Voltage Circuit Breakers"@en . "Poster 2004" . "Zh\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED elektrick\u00E9ho oblouku v n\u00EDzkonap\u011B\u0165ov\u00FDch jisti\u010D\u00EDch"@cs . "Tento p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 zh\u00E1\u0161ec\u00EDm procesem v n\u00EDzkonap\u011B\u0165ov\u00FDch jisti\u010D\u00EDch. Hlavn\u00ED parametry, kter\u00E9 ovliv\u0148uj\u00ED ho\u0159en\u00ED oblouku mezi kontakty, jsou pops\u00E1ny. Pozornost je zam\u011B\u0159ena na prvn\u00ED obdob\u00ED zh\u00E1\u0161ec\u00EDho procesu, kdy se elektricky oblouk pohybuje pod\u00E9l kontakt\u016F. Jeden za parametr\u016F - rychlost kontakt\u016F vlivem elektrodynamick\u00FDch sil - je pops\u00E1n podrobn\u011Bji. S\u00EDly jsou po\u010D\u00EDt\u00E1ny metodou kone\u010Dn\u00FDch prvk\u016F."@cs . . . "Valenta, Ji\u0159\u00ED" . "Electric Arc Extinguishing in Low Voltage Circuit Breakers" . "[96895E49802D]" . . "Electric Arc Extinguishing in Low Voltage Circuit Breakers"@en . "5"^^ . . "This contribution deals with the extinguishing process in low voltage circuit breakers. The main parameters that affect burning of an electric arc between contacts are described. The attention is focused on the first period of extinguishing process whenthe arc is moving along the contacts. One of the parameter - velocity of the contacts due to electrodynamic forces - is described in more details. The forces are computed using the finite element method."@en . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 vysok\u00E9 u\u010Den\u00ED technick\u00E9 v Praze. Fakulta elektrotechnick\u00E1" .