"A numerical model of human airways is presented that contains 6 to 9 bifurcations. The model was acquired by scaling-down an adult lung model obtained from a CT scan of a living person. The model contains tracheo-bronchial tree. The inspiration/expiration cycle was modelled following sinusoidal function. Euler-Lagrange approach was used to model aerosol transport and deposition in the airways. For the deposition, an in-house model was developed. Deposition is evaluated for different aerosol size and for individual generations and also for the left and right tree." . "Int. Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark" . . . . "[08F52FA769B8]" . "978-87-7877-270-1" . "26210" . "Transport and deposition of aerosols in child respiratory airways in full breathing cycle" . "J\u00EDcha, Miroslav" . . . . "400509" . . "Indoor Air 2008 Proceedings" . . "Forman, Mat\u011Bj" . "Transport and deposition of aerosols in child respiratory airways in full breathing cycle"@en . . "A numerical model of human airways is presented that contains 6 to 9 bifurcations. The model was acquired by scaling-down an adult lung model obtained from a CT scan of a living person. The model contains tracheo-bronchial tree. The inspiration/expiration cycle was modelled following sinusoidal function. Euler-Lagrange approach was used to model aerosol transport and deposition in the airways. For the deposition, an in-house model was developed. Deposition is evaluated for different aerosol size and for individual generations and also for the left and right tree."@en . "2"^^ . "Copenhagen, Denmark" . "2"^^ . . "1000"^^ . . . "RIV/00216305:26210/08:PU75234!RIV10-GA0-26210___" . "2008-08-17+02:00"^^ . . "RIV/00216305:26210/08:PU75234" . "Copenhagen" . "P(GP101/08/P427)" . "Transport and deposition of aerosols in child respiratory airways in full breathing cycle"@en . "CFD, human airways, aerosol deposition"@en . . . "Transport and deposition of aerosols in child respiratory airways in full breathing cycle" . . .