. "5"^^ . "THE INFLUENCE COMPARISON OF CREEP TESTING AND AIR TRAFFIC ON MICROSTRUCTURE OF CAST NICKEL BASE SUPERALLOY INCONEL 713 LC"@en . "THE INFLUENCE COMPARISON OF CREEP TESTING AND AIR TRAFFIC ON MICROSTRUCTURE OF CAST NICKEL BASE SUPERALLOY INCONEL 713 LC" . . "5"^^ . . . . . "THE INFLUENCE COMPARISON OF CREEP TESTING AND AIR TRAFFIC ON MICROSTRUCTURE OF CAST NICKEL BASE SUPERALLOY INCONEL 713 LC" . "POROVN\u00C1N\u00CD VLIVU CREEPOV\u00C9HO ZAT\u011A\u017DOV\u00C1N\u00CD A LETOV0HO PROVOZU NA STRUKTURU LIT\u00C9 NIKLOV\u00C9 SUPERSLITINY INCONEL 713 LC"@cs . "V\u011Bchet, Stanislav" . . "26210" . . . "POROVN\u00C1N\u00CD VLIVU CREEPOV\u00C9HO ZAT\u011A\u017DOV\u00C1N\u00CD A LETOV0HO PROVOZU NA STRUKTURU LIT\u00C9 NIKLOV\u00C9 SUPERSLITINY INCONEL 713 LC"@cs . "Zeszyty naukowe politechniki Opolskiej seria Mechanika" . . . "P(GA106/01/0376), P(GA106/02/1088)" . "RIV/00216305:26210/03:PU48395!RIV06-GA0-26210___" . "RIV/00216305:26210/03:PU48395" . "6"^^ . "Juli\u0161, Martin" . "Superalloy, microstructure, creep testing"@en . . "PL - Polsk\u00E1 republika" . "1429-6065" . "290" . "Posp\u00ED\u0161ilov\u00E1, Simona" . . . . . "In the working conditions of the jet engines gas turbines of supersonic plane blades are loaded by the cycles, this process is the function of the time, temperature and stress. The blade are exposed to influence of degradable processes namely of the high-temperature corrosion, fatigue process and creep. As the result of short overloading as it happens for instance during the starts and landing, eventually in some other irregularities of the jet engine function, the increase of stress and temperature leaads to the changes of microstructure and properties." . "76" . . "[CC3F7832B7DD]" . "N\u011Bmec, Karel" . . . . "THE INFLUENCE COMPARISON OF CREEP TESTING AND AIR TRAFFIC ON MICROSTRUCTURE OF CAST NICKEL BASE SUPERALLOY INCONEL 713 LC"@en . "610204" . "Podr\u00E1bsk\u00FD, Tom\u00E1\u0161" . "177-182" . "In the working conditions of the jet engines gas turbines of supersonic plane blades are loaded by the cycles, this process is the function of the time, temperature and stress. The blade are exposed to influence of degradable processes namely of the high-temperature corrosion, fatigue process and creep. As the result of short overloading as it happens for instance during the starts and landing, eventually in some other irregularities of the jet engine function, the increase of stress and temperature leaads to the changes of microstructure and properties."@en . "Niklov\u00E1 superslitina Inconel 713 LC je pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1na k v\u00FDrob\u011B ob\u011B\u017En\u00FDch kol mal\u00FDch spalovac\u00EDch turbin pro pomocn\u00E9 energetick\u00E9 jednotky v leteck\u00E9m pr\u016Fmyslu. V provozn\u00EDch podm\u00EDnk\u00E1ch spalovac\u00EDch turb\u00EDn proudov\u00FDch motor\u016F jsou lopatky ob\u011B\u017En\u00FDch kol nam\u00E1h\u00E1ny \u010Dasov\u011B,teplotn\u011B a nap\u011B\u0165ov\u011B prom\u011Bnn\u00FDmi cykly zat\u011B\u017Eov\u00E1n\u00ED. B\u011Bhem provozu jsou lopatky vystaveny \u0159ad\u011B degrada\u010Dn\u00EDch vliv\u016F, zejm\u00E9na vysokoteplotn\u00ED korozi, \u00FAnavov\u00FDm proces\u016Fm a creepu."@cs .