"323051" . "The laboratory modeling of activated sludge system with combined biomass and membrane filtration"@en . "[C212ADE482D0]" . . . . . "Bod\u00EDk, Igor" . "5"^^ . . "The main aim of our experiment was to test the system with textile biomass carrier as it should provide the following specific advantages: a) simple installation and handling; b) the shape of the textile enables the intensive contact of the biomass with air; c) this kind of material should be also affordable; d) flexibility and modularity. This paper presents the results of lab-scale testing using a textile biomass carrier placed in a 300 L activated sludge system with a submerged membrane module (MBR). Special attention was devoted to the amount of fixed biomass and its kinetic parameters."@en . "RIV/00216305:26110/09:PU84576" . . . "V\u00FDskumn\u00FD \u00FAstav vodn\u00E9ho hospod\u00E1rstva Bratislava" . . . "Laborat\u00F3rne modelovanie aktiv\u00E1cie s kombinovanou biomasou a membr\u00E1novou filtr\u00E1ciou" . . . "Rekon\u0161trukcie stokov\u00FDch siet\u00ED a \u010Distiarn\u00ED odpadov\u00FDch vod" . "RIV/00216305:26110/09:PU84576!RIV10-MPO-26110___" . "Hlav\u00EDnek, Petr" . . "978-80-89062-64-5" . . . "P(FT-TA3/123)" . . "2009-10-21+02:00"^^ . "Matulov\u00E1, Zuzana" . "Bratislava" . "26110" . "suspended biomass, biofilm, combined biomass, membrane filtration, nitrification, denitrification"@en . . "Drtil, Miloslav" . "The laboratory modeling of activated sludge system with combined biomass and membrane filtration"@en . "Pr\u00EDspevok prezentuje v\u00FDsledky laborat\u00F3rneho testovania s textiln\u00FDm nosi\u010Dom biomasy umiestnen\u00FDm v 300 litrovom aktiva\u010Dnom syst\u00E9me s ponoren\u00FDm membr\u00E1nov\u00FDm filtra\u010Dn\u00FDn modulom. Hlavn\u00ED pozornos\u0165 bola venovan\u00E1 mno\u017Estvu a kvalite n\u00E1rastovej biomasy a jej kinetick\u00FDm parametrom. Aktiv\u00E1cia s kombinovanou biomasou je \u0161pecifick\u00FD syst\u00E9m biologick\u00E9ho \u010Distenia odpadov\u00FDch vod, v ktorom s\u00FA do procesu zapojen\u00E9 2 druhy biomasy." . . . "7"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Matulov\u00E1, Zuzana" . "Pag\u00E1\u010Dov\u00E1, Petra" . "Podbansk\u00E9" . "Laborat\u00F3rne modelovanie aktiv\u00E1cie s kombinovanou biomasou a membr\u00E1novou filtr\u00E1ciou" . .