. "RIV/00216305:26110/09:PU82515!RIV10-MSM-26110___" . "Z(MSM0021630511)" . "It is quite often that the importance of thermal-technical solutions of critical details is underestimated in the objects, which are projected and constructed today. Design of critical details is not missed out only at the new buildings but also at the reconstructions when an additional heat cladding is carrying out. Subsequently it is very difficult to eliminate these defects and failures such as surface water vapor condensation and mould growing on the inner surface of constructions. Additional completion of thermal insulation at the individual problematic parts is mostly technologically, economically even architecturally unsuitable."@en . . . . "1336-7617" . "Kalousek, Milo\u0161" . . "5" . "7" . . . . "Critical detail defects of insulated buildings"@en . . "Eurostav" . "\u010Cuprov\u00E1, Danu\u0161e" . "N\u00E1sledne vzniknut\u00E9 chyby a poruchy v podobe povrchovej kondenz\u00E1cie vodnej pary a rastu plesn\u00ED na vn\u00FAtornom povrchu stavebn\u00FDch konstrukci\u00ED sa \u0165a\u017Eko daj\u00FA odstr\u00E1ni\u0165, dodato\u010Dn\u00E9 doplnenie hr\u00FAbky tepelnej izol\u00E1cie pri jednotliv\u00FDch problematick\u00FDch \u010Dastiach je vo va\u010D\u0161ine pr\u00EDpadov technologicky, ekonomicky i architektonicky nevhodn\u00E9." . "Critical detail defects of insulated buildings"@en . "2"^^ . "Dosledky zanedbania detailov pri zateplovan\u00ED budov" . "3"^^ . "311285" . . . "26110" . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "RIV/00216305:26110/09:PU82515" . . "[17488EAA0D4F]" . "critical details, thermal insulation"@en . "3"^^ . . . "Kl\u00EDmov\u00E1, Sylva" . "Dosledky zanedbania detailov pri zateplovan\u00ED budov" . . .