"CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Internal communication as a managerial discipline has become important as a managerial discipline only recently. By its gradual development, it is now perceived as a tool, which - when working efficiently - can become a strong motivator, however, on the other hand a strong distress factor as well. Functioning internal communication becomes an important work condition and its content is connected to marketing, human resources and managerial work with its most important aims, i.e. to focus on ensuring information support, setting processes for work performance, making conditions for cooperation and climate for desired work performance and staff attitudes." . . . "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AS A WAY TO COMPANY EFFICIENCY" . . "RIV/00216275:25520/14:39898239!RIV15-MSM-25520___" . "20858" . "[F3D082922EAF]" . . . . "I, V" . "1212-3609" . "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AS A WAY TO COMPANY EFFICIENCY" . . "Hol\u00E1, Jana" . "9"^^ . . "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AS A WAY TO COMPANY EFFICIENCY"@en . "25520" . "17" . . . "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AS A WAY TO COMPANY EFFICIENCY"@en . . "RIV/00216275:25520/14:39898239" . . "000338093000012" . "Internal communication as a managerial discipline has become important as a managerial discipline only recently. By its gradual development, it is now perceived as a tool, which - when working efficiently - can become a strong motivator, however, on the other hand a strong distress factor as well. Functioning internal communication becomes an important work condition and its content is connected to marketing, human resources and managerial work with its most important aims, i.e. to focus on ensuring information support, setting processes for work performance, making conditions for cooperation and climate for desired work performance and staff attitudes."@en . "1"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "E+M Ekonomie a Management" . "2" . . "profitability; competitiveness; company communication; internal communication; Management"@en . "Pikhart, Marcel" . . .