"25510" . . . "Experimental Study of Adhesive Bond between Steel-cord and Non-linear Matrix upon Failure"@en . . . . "2"^^ . . "367231" . . "N" . . . "Experiment\u00E1ln\u00ED studie adhezivn\u00ED vazby ocelov\u00FD kord-neline\u00E1rn\u00ED matrice po poru\u0161en\u00ED"@cs . "The paper deals with experimental study of the adhesive bond between a steel-cord and non-linear matrix upon failure after corrosion test. The corrosion causes birth of dangerous delaminations on steel-rubber interface. Therefore is necessary to deal with adhesive bond upon failure into microlocality. For experiments was used metallography observation and statically test for analyses of uniaxial stiffness. The obtained results from experiments will be used namely to computational modeling of steel belt of tire." . "Rusnakov\u00E1, So\u0148a" . "4"^^ . "RIV/00216275:25510/08:00006907!RIV09-MSM-25510___" . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 vysok\u00E9 u\u010Den\u00ED technick\u00E9 v Praze" . . . "Experimental Study of Adhesive Bond between Steel-cord and Non-linear Matrix upon Failure" . . "1"^^ . "The paper deals with experimental study of the adhesive bond between a steel-cord and non-linear matrix upon failure after corrosion test. The corrosion causes birth of dangerous delaminations on steel-rubber interface. Therefore is necessary to deal with adhesive bond upon failure into microlocality. For experiments was used metallography observation and statically test for analyses of uniaxial stiffness. The obtained results from experiments will be used namely to computational modeling of steel belt of tire."@en . . "Experiment\u00E1ln\u00ED studie adhezivn\u00ED vazby ocelov\u00FD kord-neline\u00E1rn\u00ED matrice po poru\u0161en\u00ED"@cs . . "Ku\u015Bmierczak, Sylvia" . . "Pe\u0161lov\u00E1, Franti\u0161ka" . . "Experimental Study of Adhesive Bond between Steel-cord and Non-linear Matrix upon Failure" . "RIV/00216275:25510/08:00006907" . . "\u010Cl\u00E1nek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 poru\u0161enou adhezn\u00ED vazbou ocelov\u00FD kord-neline\u00E1rn\u00ED matrice po korozn\u00ED zkou\u0161ce. Koroze zp\u016Fsobuje na rozhran\u00ED ocelov\u00FD kord-pry\u017E vznik nebezpe\u010Dn\u00FDch delaminac\u00ED. Proto je t\u0159eba zab\u00FDvat se mikrostrukturou adhezn\u00ED vazby po poru\u0161en\u00ED. Pro studium bylo pou\u017Eito metalografick\u00E9 pozorov\u00E1n\u00ED a statick\u00E9 zkou\u0161ky v tahu - zkou\u0161ky jednoos\u00E9 napjatosti. Z\u00EDskan\u00E9 v\u00FDsledky budou pou\u017Eity pro v\u00FDpo\u010Dtov\u00E9 modelov\u00E1n\u00ED ocelokorodv\u00E9ho n\u00E1razn\u00EDku pl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B pneumatiky."@cs . . "[2EB6F83ABEF4]" . "Krmela, Jan" . "978-80-01-04162-8" . . "Tire; belt; steel-cord; rubber; adhesive bond; corrosion; tensile test; metallography"@en . "2008-09-27+02:00"^^ . "Experimental Study of Adhesive Bond between Steel-cord and Non-linear Matrix upon Failure"@en . . "Praha" . "\u010Cesk\u00E9 Bud\u011Bjovice" . "25th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics" .