"1"^^ . "M\u00E1chov\u00E1, Ren\u00E1ta" . . "Vysok\u00E9 u\u010Den\u00ED technick\u00E9 v Brn\u011B. Fakulta strojn\u00EDho in\u017Een\u00FDrstv\u00ED; Asociace pro rozvoj recyklace stavebn\u00EDch materi\u00E1l\u016F v \u010CR" . "This text proposes the so-called waste precognition method, where are analysed chosen indicators and on the basis of their results (if they meet the limiting values) the analyses continue and the waste sample is processed in the whole range of requirements or (if they do not meet the limiting values) the analyses are ended and the waste thus cannot be used for recycling."@en . "[CF8782441810]" . . "25410" . "V v textu je navr\u017Eena tzv. metodika p\u0159edb\u011B\u017En\u00E9ho posouzen\u00ED odpadu, kdy jsou analyzov\u00E1ny vybran\u00E9 ukazatele a na z\u00E1klad\u011B v\u00FDsledk\u016F anal\u00FDz (vyhov\u00ED-li limitn\u00EDm hodnot\u00E1m) je pokra\u010Dov\u00E1no v anal\u00FDz\u00E1ch a vzorek odpadu je zpracov\u00E1n v cel\u00E9m rozsahu po\u017Eadavk\u016F nebo (nevyhov\u00ED-li limitn\u00EDm hodnot\u00E1m) jsou anal\u00FDzy ukon\u010Deny a odpad tedy nelze pou\u017E\u00EDt k recyklaci." . "Vybran\u00E9 ukazatele pro p\u0159edb\u011B\u017En\u00E9 hodnocen\u00ED stavebn\u00EDho odpadu" . . . "The chosen indicators for building waste precognition method"@en . . "Brno" . "The chosen indicators for building waste precognition method"@en . "80-214-2583-0" . . "RIV/00216275:25410/04:00001766" . "RIV/00216275:25410/04:00001766!RIV08-MSM-25410___" . "Recycling 2004" . "593482" . "Vybran\u00E9 ukazatele pro p\u0159edb\u011B\u017En\u00E9 hodnocen\u00ED stavebn\u00EDho odpadu"@cs . . . . "150"^^ . "V v textu je navr\u017Eena tzv. metodika p\u0159edb\u011B\u017En\u00E9ho posouzen\u00ED odpadu, kdy jsou analyzov\u00E1ny vybran\u00E9 ukazatele a na z\u00E1klad\u011B v\u00FDsledk\u016F anal\u00FDz (vyhov\u00ED-li limitn\u00EDm hodnot\u00E1m) je pokra\u010Dov\u00E1no v anal\u00FDz\u00E1ch a vzorek odpadu je zpracov\u00E1n v cel\u00E9m rozsahu po\u017Eadavk\u016F nebo (nevyhov\u00ED-li limitn\u00EDm hodnot\u00E1m) jsou anal\u00FDzy ukon\u010Deny a odpad tedy nelze pou\u017E\u00EDt k recyklaci."@cs . "S" . "Vybran\u00E9 ukazatele pro p\u0159edb\u011B\u017En\u00E9 hodnocen\u00ED stavebn\u00EDho odpadu" . "Vybran\u00E9 ukazatele pro p\u0159edb\u011B\u017En\u00E9 hodnocen\u00ED stavebn\u00EDho odpadu"@cs . . . "1"^^ . . . "42 - 45" . "This text proposes the so-called waste precognition method; where are analysed chosen indicators and on the basis of their results (if they meet the limiting values) the analyses continue and the waste sample is processed in the whole range of requirements or (if they do not meet the limiting values) the analyses are ended and the waste thus cannot be used for recycling."@en .