"1"^^ . "I" . "Deklaracija zavisimosti" . . . "[69C75AE32C74]" . "11" . . . . . . "The author considers new evolutionary understanding of the modern world. It is stressed necessity of a recognition of value of the nature and tool value of culture which is depended on nature."@en . "V statje predstavleno evoljucionnoje ontologi\u010Deskoe ponimanie sovremennogo mira. Pot\u010Derkivajet sja neobchodimost priznanija bezuslovnoj cennosti prirody i zavysimuju ot prirody vsego li\u0161 instumentalnuju cennost kultury." . "RU - Rusk\u00E1 federace" . . . . . . . "Deklaracija zavisimosti" . "Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogi\u010Deskogo universiteta" . "4"^^ . "\u0160majs, Josef" . . . "The Declaration of Dependence"@en . . "nature; human kind; evolution; culture; the Earth; space; biosphere"@en . "68261" . "2226-3365" . . "RIV/00216224:14560/13:00067848" . . . "1"^^ . "14560" . "The Declaration of Dependence"@en . "RIV/00216224:14560/13:00067848!RIV14-MSM-14560___" . "1" .