. . "MGU Moskva" . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "[106893BDC8A9]" . "1"^^ . "RIV/00216224:14410/09:00038296" . "Moskva - Saloniki" . . . . "Saloniki" . . . . "Tekst prepodnosit kontrastivnoje issledovanije russkich i \u010De\u0161skich frazeologi\u010Deskich jedinic s animalizmami, kotoryje pretendujut \u010Delove\u010Deskie kontakty s mirom \u017Eivotnych v animalisti\u010Deskich sravnitelnych frazeologizmach, sravnenijach, s nazvanijami \u017Eivotnych i s sojuzom kak pri obu\u010Deniji russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo v \u010De\u0161skoj \u0161kole" . . "Z(MSM0021622443)" . . "14410" . "Mir \u010Deloveka i mir \u017Eivotnych v ustoj\u010Divych verbalnych sravnenijach s animalizmami i s sojuzom kak pri izu\u010Deniji russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo v \u010De\u0161skoj \u0161kole" . . . . "Czech Republic; school; language teaching; foreign languages; Russian and Czech languages; idioms; human world; animal world; comparative idioms; animal names; conjunction as; teaching; Russian language as foreign language at Czech school"@en . "Russkij jazyk v sovremennom mire: tradiciji i innovaciji v prepodavaniji russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo i v perevode" . . "RIV/00216224:14410/09:00038296!RIV10-MSM-14410___" . "Human World and Animal World at Comparative Idioms Comparisons with the Animal Names and with the Conjunction as in Teaching Russian Language as Foreign Language at Czech School"@en . . "Grenarov\u00E1, Ren\u00E9e" . "The article presents a contrastive study of Russian and Czech phraseological units with the animal names, which are believed to reflect human contact with animal word in zoosemantic comparative idioms comparisons with the animal names and with the conjunction as in teaching Russian language as foreign language at Czech school."@en . . . "326468" . "2009-01-01+01:00"^^ . "648"^^ . . "Mir \u010Deloveka i mir \u017Eivotnych v ustoj\u010Divych verbalnych sravnenijach s animalizmami i s sojuzom kak pri izu\u010Deniji russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo v \u010De\u0161skoj \u0161kole" . "978-5-87449-085-0" . . "Human World and Animal World at Comparative Idioms Comparisons with the Animal Names and with the Conjunction as in Teaching Russian Language as Foreign Language at Czech School"@en . .