. . "Hnilica, Jaroslav" . "14310" . "DIAGNOSTICS OF A MW ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE PLASMA JET USING SPATIALLY RESOLVED LASER-INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF OH RADICALS" . . . "Spatially resolved measurement of OH radical concentration in the effluent of an atmospheric microwave (MW) plasma jet is reported. Cases of continuous MW power (CW) and MW power modulated by various frequencies (80 Hz - 2.5 kHz) are compared. The highest amount of OH was produced at the CW and the low-frequency modulation (<100 Hz) cases. The highest OH concentration was always observed at the tip of the visible discharge and was found to be (2.5-27)x10^21 m-3." . "RIV/00216224:14310/14:00074275" . "[D09636D78ACF]" . "11159" . "Dvo\u0159\u00E1k, Pavel" . . . . . "RIV/00216224:14310/14:00074275!RIV15-MSM-14310___" . . "4"^^ . . "4"^^ . "Kudrle, V\u00EDt" . . . "P(ED2.1.00/03.0086), P(GA13-24635S)" . . . "DIAGNOSTICS OF A MW ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE PLASMA JET USING SPATIALLY RESOLVED LASER-INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF OH RADICALS"@en . "Vor\u00E1\u010D, Jan" . "LIF; microwave discharge; atmospheric pressure"@en . "Spatially resolved measurement of OH radical concentration in the effluent of an atmospheric microwave (MW) plasma jet is reported. Cases of continuous MW power (CW) and MW power modulated by various frequencies (80 Hz - 2.5 kHz) are compared. The highest amount of OH was produced at the CW and the low-frequency modulation (<100 Hz) cases. The highest OH concentration was always observed at the tip of the visible discharge and was found to be (2.5-27)x10^21 m-3."@en . . . . "DIAGNOSTICS OF A MW ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE PLASMA JET USING SPATIALLY RESOLVED LASER-INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF OH RADICALS"@en . "DIAGNOSTICS OF A MW ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE PLASMA JET USING SPATIALLY RESOLVED LASER-INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF OH RADICALS" . . .