. "Val\u00E1\u0161ek, Hubert" . "P(GA205/01/1067)" . "History of weather and climate in the Czech lands VI: Strong winds" . . "Winds related to convective storms (squall, tornado), and to winds caused by large horizontal pressure gradients (windstorms) in the Czech Republic for the last millennium are studied form instrumental data and also from documentary evidence (chronicles, diaries etc.). Frequency of strong winds reflects an increase in the number of documentary sources from the past. Higher frequency of strong winds is typical for the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries and mainly between the years 1770-1830. Moreover, an increasing number of strong winds with a various kind of damage to nature and society can be seen from compiled series. Further the most severe windstorms of the century, based on documentary evidence were classified and tornadoes were analysed with respect to their spatial distribution, annual variation and intensity. Instrumental data about strong winds are significantly and positively correlated with winter values of NAOI and CEZI and with winter mean temperatures in Prague."@en . "History of weather and climate in the Czech lands VI: Strong winds"@en . "Br\u00E1zdil, Rudolf" . "\u0160tekl, Josef" . . "Climate history; documentary data; strong wind; gale; tornado; Czech Republic"@en . "History of weather and climate in the Czech lands VI: Strong winds"@en . . "History of weather and climate in the Czech lands VI: Strong winds" . . . . "Kotyza, Old\u0159ich" . "Historie po\u010Das\u00ED a podneb\u00ED v \u010Desk\u00FDch zem\u00EDch VI: Siln\u00E9 v\u011Btry"@cs . "Historie po\u010Das\u00ED a podneb\u00ED v \u010Desk\u00FDch zem\u00EDch VI: Siln\u00E9 v\u011Btry"@cs . "[76F60F4BEA5F]" . "6"^^ . . . "Winds related to convective storms (squall, tornado), and to winds caused by large horizontal pressure gradients (windstorms) in the Czech Republic for the last millennium are studied form instrumental data and also from documentary evidence (chronicles, diaries etc.). Frequency of strong winds reflects an increase in the number of documentary sources from the past. Higher frequency of strong winds is typical for the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries and mainly between the years 1770-1830. Moreover, an increasing number of strong winds with a various kind of damage to nature and society can be seen from compiled series. Further the most severe windstorms of the century, based on documentary evidence were classified and tornadoes were analysed with respect to their spatial distribution, annual variation and intensity. Instrumental data about strong winds are significantly and positively correlated with winter values of NAOI and CEZI and with winter mean temperatures in Prague." . . . "History of weather and climate in the Czech lands VI: Strong winds" . "History of weather and climate in the Czech lands" . "80-210-3547-1" . "Je pod\u00E1na anal\u00FDza v\u00FDskytu siln\u00FDch v\u011Btr\u016F v \u010Cesk\u00E9 republice. P\u0159\u00EDpady v\u00FDskytu siln\u00FDch v\u011Btr\u016F jsou rozd\u011Bleny na v\u011Btry spojen\u00E9 s v\u00FDskytem konvektivn\u00EDch bou\u0159\u00ED (h\u00FAlava, downburst, torn\u00E1do) a na v\u011Btry podm\u00EDn\u011Bn\u00E9 existenc\u00ED velk\u00E9ho horizont\u00E1ln\u00EDho tlakov\u00E9ho gradientu (vich\u0159ice, ork\u00E1n). Je charakterizov\u00E1n v\u00FDskyt siln\u00FDch v\u011Btr\u016F z instrument\u00E1ln\u00EDho obdob\u00ED a tak\u00E9 dokument\u00E1rn\u00EDch pramen\u016F (kroniky, apod.). Zji\u0161t\u011Bn\u00E1 frekvence p\u0159\u00EDpad\u016F odr\u00E1\u017E\u00ED po\u010Det a kvalitu historick\u00FDch zpr\u00E1v. Vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED frekvence je typick\u00E1 pro p\u0159elom 16. a 17. stolet\u00ED a pro roky 1770-1830. Ze sestaven\u00FDch chronologi\u00ED je patrn\u00FD n\u00E1r\u016Fst p\u0159\u00EDpad\u016F s r\u016Fzn\u00FDm typem \u0161kod na p\u0159\u00EDrodu a spole\u010Dnost. Podrobn\u011B jsou charakterizov\u00E1ny vich\u0159ice stolet\u00ED a tak\u00E9 historick\u00E9 p\u0159\u00EDpady v\u00FDskytu torn\u00E1d s odhledem na jejich prostorov\u00E9 rozlo\u017Een\u00ED, ro\u010Dn\u00ED chod i intenzitu. Data z instrument\u00E1ln\u00EDho obdob\u00ED vykazuj\u00ED statisticky v\u00FDznamnou pozitivn\u00ED korelaci s hodnotami zon\u00E1ln\u00EDch index\u016F (NAOI, CEZI) a s teplotami vzduchu z Prahy, Klementina v zimn\u00EDm obdob\u00ED."@cs . "Je\u017E, Jaroslav" . "RIV/00216224:14310/04:00012049" . "5"^^ . "378"^^ . . . . . "Masaryk University" . "RIV/00216224:14310/04:00012049!RIV08-GA0-14310___" . . "566278" . . . "14310" . "Dobrovoln\u00FD, Petr" . . . . "Brno" . . "378"^^ .