. . . . "P(GP13-11062P)" . "RIV/00216224:14230/14:00073755!RIV15-GA0-14230___" . "[0DDD005534D0]" . "The characteristic of au pair stays is that young foreigners live in one home with their hosts. This paper tries to answer the following questions related to this particular sharing of home: What strategies au pairs use in relation to their temporary home? How is home redefined in the process of migration? How au pairs and host families share space and intimacy with strangers? What ideas about home nurture this relationship? How is relation between au pair and host family expressed in material space of home?"@en . "Home and Au pair Stays"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . "Domov a au pair pobyty" . . "1"^^ . "Seker\u00E1kov\u00E1 B\u00FArikov\u00E1, Zuzana" . . "Domov a au pair pobyty" . . "Home and Au pair Stays"@en . "RIV/00216224:14230/14:00073755" . . . . "14230" . . . "12178" . "Home; au pair; Migration; Material Culture; Paid Care"@en . . "Pre au pair pobyty je charakteristick\u00E9, \u017Ee mlad\u00E9 cudzinky alebo cudzinci \u017Eij\u00FA v jednej dom\u00E1cnosti so svojimi hostite\u013Emi. V tomto pr\u00EDspevku sa s\u00FAstred\u00EDm na nasledovn\u00E9 ot\u00E1zky spojen\u00E9 s t\u00FDmto \u0161pecifick\u00FDm zdie\u013Ean\u00EDm domova: Ak\u00E9 strat\u00E9gie au pair pou\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00FA vo vz\u0165ahu k svojim do\u010Dasn\u00FDm domovom? Ako sa domov redefinuje v procese tohto typu migr\u00E1cie? Ako au pair a hostite\u013Esk\u00E9 rodiny zdie\u013Eaj\u00FA priestor a intimitu s cudz\u00EDm \u010Dlovekom? Ako sa predstavy spojen\u00E9 s domovom odr\u00E1\u017Eaj\u00FA na ich vz\u0165ahu? A ako sa ich vz\u0165ah premieta do materi\u00E1lneho priestoru domova?" .