. "1"^^ . "50"^^ . "[B8E1582814A2]" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Cie\u013Eom \u0161t\u00FAdie je prezentova\u0165 d\u00E1ta monitoruj\u00FAce v\u00FDskyt n\u00E1silia v \u010Dase volieb v priestore kraj\u00EDn z\u00E1padn\u00E9ho Balk\u00E1nu. V tomto kontexte s\u00FA formulovan\u00E9 vzorce konfliktnej interakcie vo volebnej ar\u00E9ne. Samotn\u00FD in\u0161tit\u00FAt hlasovania ovplyv\u0148uje spolo\u010Densk\u00FA interakciu, ktor\u00E1 m\u00F4\u017Ee by\u0165 vo\u013Ebami iniciovan\u00E1, posilnen\u00E1 alebo potla\u010Den\u00E1. Na z\u00E1klade siedmych mikro\u0161t\u00FAdi\u00ED balk\u00E1nskych kraj\u00EDn (Chorv\u00E1tsko, Srbsko, \u010Cierna Hora, Bosna a Hercegovina, Kosovo, Maced\u00F3nsko a Alb\u00E1nsko) je s\u00FA\u010Dasn\u00E1 te\u00F3ria volebn\u00E9ho n\u00E1silia konfrontovan\u00E1 so zozbieran\u00FDmi d\u00E1tami, pri\u010Dom je formulovan\u00FD \u0161ir\u0161\u00ED pr\u00EDstup k v\u00FDskumu n\u00E1silia v \u010Dase volieb. Komparat\u00EDvna perspekt\u00EDva n\u00E1sledne sumarizuje existuj\u00FAce vzorce n\u00E1silia vo volebnej ar\u00E9ne v priestore kraj\u00EDn z\u00E1padn\u00E9ho Balk\u00E1nu a nazna\u010Duje mo\u017Enosti pre rozvoj samotnej te\u00F3rie." . "N\u00E1silie v \u010Dase volieb v priestore kraj\u00EDn z\u00E1padn\u00E9ho Balk\u00E1nu: mapovanie konceptu\u00E1lneho r\u00E1mca" . "http://www.cepsr.com/clanek.php?ID=544" . "RIV/00216224:14230/12:00062765" . . . "ro\u010D. 14" . "Violence During Elections in the Area of Western Balkan Countries: Mapping the Conceptual Framework"@en . . "The goal of the study is to present data about the occurrence of violence during elections in Western Balkan countries, and to formulate common patterns that describe the interactions within the background of electoral competition. The main focus is on the functional presence of violence and its link to the institute of elections. The paper suggests that elections as an institution affect the social interactions which can be initiated, reinforced or stifled. On the basis of micro-case studies of seven Balkan countries (Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania), the existing theory is evaluated and a broader approach for the study of violence in the electoral arena is formulated. Such a comparative perspective prepares ground for conclusions regarding the patterns of violence that are present in the region of Western Balkan, and point to the underdeveloped nature of the concept of violence during elections."@en . "1212-7817" . "4" . . "S" . . . "153099" . "Elections; Violence; Conflict; Western Balkans"@en . . "14230" . . . "Moch\u0165ak, Michal" . "N\u00E1silie v \u010Dase volieb v priestore kraj\u00EDn z\u00E1padn\u00E9ho Balk\u00E1nu: mapovanie konceptu\u00E1lneho r\u00E1mca" . . . "St\u0159edoevropsk\u00E9 politick\u00E9 studie" . "RIV/00216224:14230/12:00062765!RIV13-MSM-14230___" . . . "1"^^ . . "Violence During Elections in the Area of Western Balkan Countries: Mapping the Conceptual Framework"@en . .