"Falada, David" . . "Doubravov\u00E1, Lenka" . . "Diese Monographie entstand anl\u00E4sslich des 200. Jubil\u00E4ums seit dem Erlass des Allgemeinen B\u00FCrgerlichen Gesetzbuches (ABGB) und zugleich in Zusammenhang mit der gegenw\u00E4rtigen Transformation der tschechischen Rechtsordnung." . "[9EAD1255514D]" . "RIV/00216224:14220/11:00050193" . "private law; legal history; socialist law; commercial law; civil law; labor law; family law"@en . . . "280"^^ . "Knoll, Vil\u00E9m" . "Fr\u00FDdek, Miroslav" . . . "The Development of the Czech Private Law"@en . "RIV/00216224:14220/11:00050193!RIV12-GA0-14220___" . . "14220" . . . . "Sal\u00E1k, Pavel" . "Die Entwicklung des tschechischen Privatrechts" . "Dostal\u00EDk, Petr" . "12"^^ . . . "This publication was put together for the 200th anniversary of publishing the General Civil Code (ABGB) as well as in connection with the ongoing transformation of the Czech legal order, which, in 2011, grew up to one of its decisive milestones: a proposal of a new Civil Code."@en . . "The Development of the Czech Private Law"@en . . "9"^^ . . "Vesel\u00E1, Renata" . . "194394" . "Die Entwicklung des tschechischen Privatrechts" . "Tauchen, Jarom\u00EDr" . "Voj\u00E1\u010Dek, Ladislav" . "D\u00E1vid, Radovan" . "Brno" . . . "Masarykova univerzita" . "978-80-210-5612-1" . "Acta Universitatis Brunensis, Juridica No. 394" . "Kr\u00E1l\u00ED\u010Dkov\u00E1, Zde\u0148ka" . "Die Entwicklung des tschechischen Privatrechts" . . . . . . . . "P(GAP408/10/0363)" . "Schelle, Karel" . . . . "280"^^ .