"Dny pr\u00E1va - 2009" . . . . . "TR\u017DN\u00CD ORIENTACE JAKO N\u00C1STROJ PRO ZVY\u0160OV\u00C1N\u00CD KONKURENCESCHOPNOSTI" . "2009-01-01+01:00"^^ . "Masarykova univerzita. Pr\u00E1vnick\u00E1 fakulta" . "1"^^ . . "I" . . . "Market Orientation as a One Instrument for Increasing of Competitive Advantage"@en . "Tento p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 tr\u017En\u00ED orientac\u00ED jako jedn\u00EDm z prost\u0159edk\u016F vedouc\u00EDch k vytvo\u0159en\u00ED konkuren\u010Dn\u00ED v\u00FDhody. C\u00EDlem p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvku je prozkoumat vztah mezi tr\u017En\u00ED orientac\u00ED, orientac\u00ED na z\u00E1kazn\u00EDka, orientac\u00ED na zam\u011Bstnance a podnikov\u00FDm v\u00FDkonem u hi-tech firem v \u010Cesk\u00E9 republice. P\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek obsahuje v\u00FDsledky v\u00FDzkumu implementace tr\u017En\u00ED orientace u hi-tech firem podporovan\u00E9ho Grantovou agenturou \u010Cesk\u00E9 republiky (GA402/07/1493)."@cs . "Market orientation; Business performance; Hi-tech firms; Customer orientation; Employee orientation; Czech Republic."@en . . "RIV/00216224:14220/10:00047112!RIV11-MSM-14220___" . "1"^^ . "RIV/00216224:14220/10:00047112" . . "Tento p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 tr\u017En\u00ED orientac\u00ED jako jedn\u00EDm z prost\u0159edk\u016F vedouc\u00EDch k vytvo\u0159en\u00ED konkuren\u010Dn\u00ED v\u00FDhody. C\u00EDlem p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvku je prozkoumat vztah mezi tr\u017En\u00ED orientac\u00ED, orientac\u00ED na z\u00E1kazn\u00EDka, orientac\u00ED na zam\u011Bstnance a podnikov\u00FDm v\u00FDkonem u hi-tech firem v \u010Cesk\u00E9 republice. P\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek obsahuje v\u00FDsledky v\u00FDzkumu implementace tr\u017En\u00ED orientace u hi-tech firem podporovan\u00E9ho Grantovou agenturou \u010Cesk\u00E9 republiky (GA402/07/1493)." . . "11"^^ . "14220" . . "293694" . . "This paper is focused on market orientation as a one instrument for increasing of competitive advantage for companies. The objective of the paper is to investigate relationship among market orientation, customer orientation, employee orientation and business performance at hi-tech firms in the Czech Republic. The paper involves results of %22Research on implementation on market orientation in Hi-tech firms%22 supported by Grand Agency of the Czech Republic (GA402/07/1493)."@en . . "978-80-210-4990-1" . "Brno" . . "Tom\u00E1\u0161kov\u00E1, Eva" . "Brno" . "TR\u017DN\u00CD ORIENTACE JAKO N\u00C1STROJ PRO ZVY\u0160OV\u00C1N\u00CD KONKURENCESCHOPNOSTI"@cs . . "Market Orientation as a One Instrument for Increasing of Competitive Advantage"@en . . . "TR\u017DN\u00CD ORIENTACE JAKO N\u00C1STROJ PRO ZVY\u0160OV\u00C1N\u00CD KONKURENCESCHOPNOSTI" . "TR\u017DN\u00CD ORIENTACE JAKO N\u00C1STROJ PRO ZVY\u0160OV\u00C1N\u00CD KONKURENCESCHOPNOSTI"@cs . . "[0DA3A7501B36]" .