"http://www.unil.ch/getactu/wwwcem/1410780042680/" . . . . . "[5B8D8E62514E]" . . . . "1"^^ . . "Cult of Saints; Ravenna; Sant'Apollinare in Classe; Saint Apollinaris; Mosaics in Ravenna; Martyr"@en . "L\u00B4invention d\u00B4un martyr et la %22refondation%22 chr\u00E9tienne de Ravenne" . . . . "La pr\u00E9sentation, qui a eu lieu dans le cadre de l'atelier du programme de sp\u00E9cialisation Culture, civilisation et r\u00E9surgences du Moyen \u00C2ge 2014-2015 %22Saints et saintet\u00E9, entre Moyen Age et \u00E9poque moderne. Concepts, \u00E9volutions, caracteres%22 a l'Universit\u00E9 de Lausanne, a eu pour but de d\u00E9montrer, sur la base de l'\u00E9tude des mosaiques a Saint Apollinaire in Classe, pres de Ravenne, a quel point la construction historiografique a pu changer la perception du premier \u00E9veque mythique de l'\u00E9glise ravennate, saint Apollinaire." . "Filipov\u00E1, Al\u017Eb\u011Bta" . "S" . "14210" . "1"^^ . . "The Invention of a Martyr and the Christian %22Refoundation%22 of Ravenna"@en . . . "RIV/00216224:14210/14:00078905!RIV15-MSM-14210___" . . "The Invention of a Martyr and the Christian %22Refoundation%22 of Ravenna"@en . "26301" . . . "The paper, presented within the framework of the workshop of the specialization programme Culture, civilisation et r\u00E9surgences du Moyen \u00C2ge 2014-2015 %22Saints et saintet\u00E9, entre Moyen Age et \u00E9poque moderne. Concepts, \u00E9volutions, caracteres%22, held at the University of Lausanne, aimed to demonstrate, on the example of the mosaics in Sant'Apollinare in Classe, how the historiographical construction could change the perception of the first mythical bishop of Ravenna, saint Apollinaris."@en . "RIV/00216224:14210/14:00078905" . "L\u00B4invention d\u00B4un martyr et la %22refondation%22 chr\u00E9tienne de Ravenne" .