. "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Vztah siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek charakteru s \u017Eivotn\u00ED a pracovn\u00ED spokojenost\u00ED u\u010Ditel\u016F a student\u016F pedagogiky"@cs . . "18"^^ . . "RIV/00216224:14210/13:00070660" . "Relationships between character strengths, satisfaction with life and job satisfaction in teachers and students of Faculty of education"@en . "V\u00FDzkumn\u00E1 studie se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 aktu\u00E1ln\u00EDmi t\u00E9maty pozitivn\u00ED psychologie. Hlavn\u00EDm c\u00EDlem bylo zmapovat zastoupen\u00ED siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek charakteru u u\u010Ditel\u016F z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch \u0161kol a student\u016F pedagogiky a prozkoumat vztah mezi jejich siln\u00FDmi str\u00E1nkami charakteru a m\u00EDrou pro\u017E\u00EDvan\u00E9 \u017Eivotn\u00ED a pracovn\u00ED spokojenosti. V\u00FDzkumn\u00FD soubor tvo\u0159ilo 150 slovensk\u00FDch u\u010Ditel\u016F z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch \u0161kol a 132 vysoko\u0161kolsk\u00FDch student\u016F pedagogiky. Siln\u00E9 str\u00E1nky charakteru jsme zkoumali pomoc\u00ED metody Signature Strengths Test (Seligman, 2011) a \u017Eivotn\u00ED spokojenost prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm dotazn\u00EDku Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener a kol. 1985). Pracovn\u00ED spokojenost u\u010Ditel\u016F jsme zji\u0161\u0165ovali invent\u00E1\u0159em Hodnocen\u00ED spokojenosti u\u010Ditel\u016F (Paul\u00EDk, 1999). V\u00FDsledky ukazuj\u00ED, \u017Ee mno\u017Einu nejv\u00FDrazn\u011Bji zastoupen\u00FDch siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek u\u010Ditel\u016F i student\u016F shodn\u011B tvo\u0159\u00ED l\u00E1ska, laskavost, vd\u011B\u010Dnost, spiritualita a up\u0159\u00EDmnost. U obou soubor\u016F se v\u0161ak li\u0161\u00ED po\u0159ad\u00ED t\u011Bchto p\u011Bti charakteristick\u00FDch siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek."@cs . "2"^^ . . . . "\u010D. 1" . "character strengths; life satisfaction; job satisfaction; teachers; students of Faculty of Education"@en . "Slez\u00E1\u010Dkov\u00E1, Alena" . "2"^^ . "Vztah siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek charakteru s \u017Eivotn\u00ED a pracovn\u00ED spokojenost\u00ED u\u010Ditel\u016F a student\u016F pedagogiky" . . "Klinick\u00E1 psychologie a osobnost" . "Relationships between character strengths, satisfaction with life and job satisfaction in teachers and students of Faculty of education"@en . . . "RIV/00216224:14210/13:00070660!RIV14-MSM-14210___" . . . "I" . "The research study examines the current issues of positive psychology. The main objectives are to map the representation of the character strengths in elementary school teachers and in students of Faculty of education, and to explore the relationship between the character strengths and satisfaction with life and job satisfaction. The sample consists of 150 Slovak elementary school teachers and 132 university students of Faculty of Education. Methods used were the Signature Strengths Test (Seligman, 2011) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985). Teachers' job satisfaction was investigated with the inventory Teachers' Job Satisfaction Assessment (Paulik, 1999). The results show that the set of most-represented strengths of both teachers and students are love, kindness, gratitude, spirituality and honesty. In each group, however, the order of these five character strengths varies."@en . "117007" . . . "\u0160krabsk\u00E1, Simona" . "ro\u010D. 2" . "1805-6393" . "14210" . . "[047E8336B002]" . "Vztah siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek charakteru s \u017Eivotn\u00ED a pracovn\u00ED spokojenost\u00ED u\u010Ditel\u016F a student\u016F pedagogiky"@cs . "Vztah siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek charakteru s \u017Eivotn\u00ED a pracovn\u00ED spokojenost\u00ED u\u010Ditel\u016F a student\u016F pedagogiky" . . . . . "V\u00FDzkumn\u00E1 studie se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 aktu\u00E1ln\u00EDmi t\u00E9maty pozitivn\u00ED psychologie. Hlavn\u00EDm c\u00EDlem bylo zmapovat zastoupen\u00ED siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek charakteru u u\u010Ditel\u016F z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch \u0161kol a student\u016F pedagogiky a prozkoumat vztah mezi jejich siln\u00FDmi str\u00E1nkami charakteru a m\u00EDrou pro\u017E\u00EDvan\u00E9 \u017Eivotn\u00ED a pracovn\u00ED spokojenosti. V\u00FDzkumn\u00FD soubor tvo\u0159ilo 150 slovensk\u00FDch u\u010Ditel\u016F z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch \u0161kol a 132 vysoko\u0161kolsk\u00FDch student\u016F pedagogiky. Siln\u00E9 str\u00E1nky charakteru jsme zkoumali pomoc\u00ED metody Signature Strengths Test (Seligman, 2011) a \u017Eivotn\u00ED spokojenost prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm dotazn\u00EDku Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener a kol. 1985). Pracovn\u00ED spokojenost u\u010Ditel\u016F jsme zji\u0161\u0165ovali invent\u00E1\u0159em Hodnocen\u00ED spokojenosti u\u010Ditel\u016F (Paul\u00EDk, 1999). V\u00FDsledky ukazuj\u00ED, \u017Ee mno\u017Einu nejv\u00FDrazn\u011Bji zastoupen\u00FDch siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek u\u010Ditel\u016F i student\u016F shodn\u011B tvo\u0159\u00ED l\u00E1ska, laskavost, vd\u011B\u010Dnost, spiritualita a up\u0159\u00EDmnost. U obou soubor\u016F se v\u0161ak li\u0161\u00ED po\u0159ad\u00ED t\u011Bchto p\u011Bti charakteristick\u00FDch siln\u00FDch str\u00E1nek." .