. "2" . "1803-4950" . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . . . . . "Avtor ukazyvajet na funkcii imenitelnogo pade\u017Ea v drevnerusskom jazyke i sravnivajet ich s situacijej v drevnegre\u010Deskom i latinskom jazykach. Nekotoryje funkcii javljajutsja to\u017Edestvennymi vo vsech trech jazykach. Naoborot, v drevnerusskom jazyke imenitelnyj inogda zmenjajetsja drugimi pade\u017Eami." . "nominative; Old Russian; various Slavonic languages; Greek; Latin"@en . "203575" . "Z(MSM0021622435)" . . . "RIV/00216224:14210/11:00053542" . . "The nominative in Old Russian on the background of the ancient languages"@en . . "The nominative in Old Russian on the background of the ancient languages"@en . "8"^^ . "The author demonstrates the functions of the nominative in Old Rudsian and compares them with the situation in Greek and Latin. Some functions are identical or analogical in all three languages. On the other hand, in Old Russion other cases occur as alternative of the nominative."@en . "[5AC69C1745E3]" . "1"^^ . "A 59" . "Imenitel\u00B4nyj pade\u017E v drevnerusskom jazyke na fone jazykov anti\u010Dnosti" . "RIV/00216224:14210/11:00053542!RIV12-MSM-14210___" . . "Nov\u00E1 rusistika" . . "1"^^ . . "\u017Da\u017Ea, Stanislav" . . . . "Imenitel\u00B4nyj pade\u017E v drevnerusskom jazyke na fone jazykov anti\u010Dnosti" . "14210" . .