"RIV/00216224:14210/11:00052224" . "After decades of oblivion, a document has come to light that, for years now, has aroused the curiosity of Byzantine scholars and many others. It is the last work of Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov (1844-1925), the \u201Clegendary\u201D manuscript that was given to the Vatican in the 1920's and later considered missing. It is in the archives of the PIO that it was found. This volume treats the iconography of the Madonna in Italian art between the end of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. This was a subject touched upon by Kondakov in his first work on Marian iconography in 1911, wherein he already detailed his idea of reading the paintings of the Italian Renaissance in relation to the paintings of Russian and Greek icons. It will add a further page to the complex and debated relationship between the Italian Renaissance and the Russian intellectuals of the \u201CSilver Age\u201D."@en . "2"^^ . "KLIpa Slr" . . "1"^^ . . "Iconographie de la M\u00E9re de Dieu III" . "Apr\u00E9s des d\u00E9cennies d\u2019oubli, un document a \u00E9t\u00E9 retrouv\u00E9, qui avait suscit\u00E9 pendant des ann\u00E9es la curiosit\u00E9 de chercheurs byzantinistes et de bien d\u2019autres qui \u00E9taient \u00E1 sa recherche. Il s\u2019agit de la derni\u00E9re oeuvre de Nikodim Kondakov, le manuscrit l\u00E9gendaire c\u00E9d\u00E9 au Vatican dans les ann\u00E9es 20 et consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme disparu. Dans les archives du PIO, r\u00E9cemment, la traduction a \u00E9t\u00E9 retrouv\u00E9e. Ce troisi\u00E9me volume a pour objet l\u2019iconographie de la Vierge Marie dans l\u2019art italien, de la fin du Moyen-Age au d\u00E9but de la Renaissance, un sujet que Kondakov avait en partie affront\u00E9 dans son premier \u00E9crit sur l\u2019iconographie mariale en 1911, et o\u00FA il exposait d\u00E9j\u00E1 sa proposition de lire la peinture de la Renaissance italienne en lien avec la peinture des icones russes et grecques. La publication de cette oeuvre nous aidera \u00E1 connaitre une importante page de l\u2019histoire concernant le rapport complexe et d\u00E9battu entre Renaissance italienne et intellectuels russes de l\u2019 \u00C2ge d\u2019argent." . "Iconography of the Mother of God III"@en . "Iconography; Mother of God Italy; Renaissance; Kondakov"@en . . . "Kondakov, Nikodim P." . . . "Lipa" . "663"^^ . . "663"^^ . . "978-88-89667-36-1" . . . "203283" . "[A5B8F741BAEE]" . "RIV/00216224:14210/11:00052224!RIV12-MSM-14210___" . . . . "Rome" . "14210" . . "Iconographie de la M\u00E9re de Dieu III" . "S" . "Iconography of the Mother of God III"@en . "Iconographie de la M\u00E9re de Dieu III" . "Foletti, Ivan" . . .